10th E-Learning Day at the FSU Jena

"Digital testing on new paths - visions and prospects for 2030"

On June 23, 2025 finds the 10th E-Learning Day at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The event provides a platform for lecturers, students and interested parties to discuss current developments and future prospects for digital examinations.

Digitalization is fundamentally changing higher education - especially in the area of examinations. Technological innovations such as AI-supported examination platforms, automated assessment systems and new learning analysis tools open up new opportunities, but also raise questions about fairness, accessibility and the legal framework. How can examinations be designed in 2030 in order to Competencies instead of pure factual knowledge to map? What new examination formats are available? And what structures are needed to successfully establish digital examinations in the long term?

Main topics of the conference

The event will shed light on digital testing from different perspectives:Technology & Innovation: Which digital solutions support teachers and students during examinations? How can AI-supported assessment systems be used sensibly?
Design of digital examination formats: How can examinations be designed in such a way that they promote competence and learning process orientation? Which new formats are particularly suitable?
Equal opportunities & inclusion: How can digital exams be designed to be fair and accessible? What challenges arise from the use of new technologies?
Legal aspects: How can data protection and examination law be ensured in digital examination formats? What framework conditions are required for rapid implementation?

Submit & help shape contributions

Teachers, students and staff from support institutions are invited to present their experiences, concepts and research work. Possible contribution formats are

Poster - Presentation in a poster gallery with short presentation and discussion
Lectures - Presentations on innovative examination approaches (20 min. incl. discussion)
Methods workshop - Exchange on applied test methods in small groups (60 min.)
Collegial advice - Discussion of specific challenges with participants (60 min.)

Abstracts (max. 2,000 characters) can still be submitted until 31. March 2025 about Indico be submitted. The selection will be made by April 28, 2025.

Contact: Organizing team of the E-Learning Day
E-Mail: | Tel: 03641 9-401614

We look forward to your participation and exciting discussions about the future of digital exams!

>>> Click here for detailed information on the event page of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

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