Workshop "In dialog 2024"

In dialog 2024

Details and contact

The event took place in presence on May 30, 2024 from 9:00 to 16:30 The event will take place in the auditorium (House 4, Room 04.-1.01) at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena.

Campus map of the EAH Jena >>>

Contact us

Sebastian Metag

Organization of the event

Dr. Iren Schulz

Communication about the event

Thank you for the inspiring exchange!

Exchange and dialog open up spaces to develop ideas for media-enriched teaching, learning and testing, promote collaboration and enable transfer. Against this backdrop, the "In Dialogue" workshop took place for the first time in June 2022 as a joint event of the eTeach Network Thuringia and the Stifterverband, bringing together the funded teaching projects of Thuringian universities in person.

We followed this successful approach again this year and invited people to the third dialog on 30 May from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences in Jena. The event was aimed at the fellows in the "Fellowships for Innovations in Digital University Teaching Thuringia" program of the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG) and the Stifterverband as well as the recipients of the cooperative impulse projects and the eTeach open spaces. In addition, the employees of the eTeach network Thuringia, experts from the universities as well as the programme coordinators of the Stifterverband and the office management of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung took part in the exchange. All lecturers and interested parties who are involved in the field of media-enabled teaching, learning and testing and are looking for ideas, exchange and networking were cordially invited!

Photo impressions from the 2024 dialog workshop

Successfully promoted: Our formats present themselves!


until 9:30
Arrival and coffee


Greeting by the conference moderators (Nicole Baron and Charlotte Steinke) and the management of the eTeach Network Thuringia (Sebastian Metag).


What are the others actually doing?
Introductory round between the funded project staff, the Thuringian experts for innovative teaching and learning and all interested parties present


Coffee break with extra snacks (posters, stations to inform, try out and experiment)


Welcome to the theme table!
The eTeach Network Thuringia presents current fields of work and invites discussion:

1. testing (and AI) with the working group of the eTeach network Thuringia
Management Martin Backhaus, Petra Lepetit and Uwe Cämmerer Seibel

2. moodle and co. with the working group of the eTeach network Thuringia
Management Marius Knodel and Jan Montag 

3. artificial intelligence with the working group of the eTeach network Thuringia
Management Martina Gerhardt 

4. key digital skills with the working group of the eTeach network Thuringia
Management Maren Würfel and Cathleen Schöne 

5. Open Educational Resources with the working group of the eTeach network Thuringia
Management Sebastian Metag

6. media room university with Felix Vincent Jahn and Tobias Scheeder
(REDiEE - Spaces sub-project, Faculty of Architecture at TH Köln)


Lunch break with extra snacks


Hybrid transmission of the Talks@eTeach format 
New learning and research in the "Raumlabor" at Technische Universität Berlin & Berlin University of the Arts, as part of the funding initiative "Room laboratories" by the Stifterverband and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. >>> more about the Talks@eTeach format
Moderation: Iren Schulz


Successfully promoted: Our formats in the spotlight!
Presentation of the funding formats: Cooperative impulse projects, eTeach open spaces and fellowships
Spotlight on the project posters
Insight into selected funding projects


Coffee break with paperwork (statements on the final talk)


Final talk
"Between desire and reality: Artificial intelligence at Thuringian universities"
Guests: Gerrit Helm & Florian Hesse (project "Schreiben mit KI im Lehramt an der FSU Jena"), Daphne Auer (student at Friedrich Schiller University Jena), Zaryab Chaudhry (Fachstelle für Medientechnologie im eTeach-Netzwerk Thüringen) Moderation: Sebastian Metag

around 16.15

Summary, outlook & goodbye!

Our goal

Through impulses, themed tables and dialog, you can get to know stakeholders personally, learn about the teaching-learning projects in Thuringia and develop opportunities for cooperation and synergies. You will have space to develop ideas for media-enriched teaching, learning and testing, to determine formats for transfer and to create points of contact for interested teachers. Last but not least, you will have the opportunity to acquire additional support for your projects from the network and the universities.


The "In Dialogue" workshop was the first joint event of the eTeach network and the Stifterverband, at which Thuringian teaching projects came together to exchange ideas in person. The event provided a forum for jointly developing, sharing and thinking about ideas relating to media-enhanced learning, teaching and testing. The poster presentations focused on the projects and results of the development projects, so that the excellent teaching projects from Thuringia were made visible and new points of contact were found. In addition to the funded projects, the contact and specialist offices of the eTeach network and the coordination team also took part in the workshop. Employees of the Founders' Association and members of the eTeach Strategy Council were also represented. Following the final request for exchange formats and networking, the "In Dialogue" workshop was established and further developed in the following years.

Past events




7:00 - 14:30

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 30.05.2024
  • Time: 3:00 - 10:30


Ernst Abbe University Jena
Ernst Abbe University, 07745 Jena


eTeach Network Thuringia
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