We say thank you!

The second annual online conference of the eTeach Network Thuringia took place on October 8, 2021. The event, organized by the coordination team at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, was supported by over 160 participants, almost 30 speakers and an internationally renowned keynote speaker in various exchange formats on media-enriched teaching, learning and testing filled with life. From the perspective of lecturers at Thuringian universities, the focus was on the use of alternative and media-supported examination formats, game-based approaches in teaching and the sensible use of self-study courses, as well as trying out virtual excursions or collaborative software solutions. In addition, the first four cooperative impulse projects of the eTeach network - a funding format for which the second round of calls is currently underway. Another highlight of the conference was the keynote speech and workshop by Prof. Barbara Oakley on the question of how young people can learn well and effectively in the digital age and how individual factors and digital tools interact. Overall, this online conference showed that the merger of state colleges and universities for the cooperative further development of digitally enriched university teaching is being lived and practiced in Thuringia. We would like to thank all those involved and are thrilled by the great interest, the diverse exchange and the positive feedback and further ideas! In the coming days and weeks, we will compile all materials, ideas, documents and photos from the conference here and integrate your suggestions for topics and events into our planning. We will inform you about this in due course. First of all, here is a link to the interactive board, where many exciting insights, experiences and findings have been compiled:

Welcome by Iren Schulz

Keynote speech by Barbara Oakley

Welcome by Gerd Mannhaupt

Interview with Barbara Oakley

Impressions | Photos by Matthias Eckert

unfortunately missing

Program for the online conference

09.00-09.20Welcome Welcome by the conference moderator, the academic management of the eTeach Network Thuringia and the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society (TMWWDG), presentation of the eTeach Network and the agenda of the day
09.20-10.00Warm-UpInteractive exchange with visual support
10.00-10.45KeynoteBarbara Oakley: Rethinking Active Learning - In Person and Online. (Lecture in English with simultaneous translation on demand)American professor of engineering at Oakland University and McMaster University
10.45-11.00Time to move to the workshop rooms
11.00-12.15Workshop round ICompetence-oriented learning and teaching: Julia Sgolik, Thorsten Ziegler, University of Erfurt: Workshop report: Creating, implementing and evaluating Moodle- and H5P-based online self-study courses. and Madeleine Müller, University of Erfurt: Myth-Busters: Uncovering educational myths with podcasts. Moderator: Maren Würfel (eTeach contact point University of Erfurt)Digitally supported examinations and alternative examination formats: Alexander Besner, TUM Center for Digital Public Services: The Bavarian regulation for testing electronic remote examinations: legal background and practical applications (Lecture and exchange). Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel, eTeach Methods & Formats Unit: Use of formative eExams from a media didactic perspective. Sarah Salomo, program coordinator for the eHealth and Communication continuing education program at Jena University Hospital: Best Practice Example Digital Pitch - When 10 minutes must be enough. Moderation: Petra Lepetit (eTeach contact point EAH Jena)Technologies for teaching: Florian Wehking, Mario Wolf and Heinrich Söbke, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: 360-degree.education - A platform for virtual excursions (Mini advanced training) Moderation: Dorothea Warneck (eTeach contact point HfM Weimar)Digitization and me: Barbara Oakley: American professor of engineering at Oakland University and McMaster UniversityDigging Deeper Into the Science Of Learning (lecture and exchange) Moderation: Zaryab Chaudry (eTeach media technology department)Teach & Tools: Matthias Rickes, Tobias Tefke and Ralf C. Staudemeyer, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences: Gamification in eLearning modules: Two approaches to implementation in university teaching (Moderation: Uwe Hettler (Vice President for Studies and International Relations: HS Schmalkalden) and Anna Wohlfahrt (eTeach contact point: HS Schmalkalden)
12.15-12.30SummarySummary of the workshop round with a view to the Visual board
12.30-13.30Lunch break with subsequent loosening up:
Offer 1 "Digital scavenger hunt" with Actionbound or
Offer 2 "Moving break"
13.30-13.40Moderation of the second conference round
13.40-14.00Network pitchThe Thuringian network "Pro Thuringian Engineering Life Cycle (ProTELC)" and the nationwide network "Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD)". Moderation: Sebastian Metag & Christine Hess (eTeach-Netzwerk Thüringen)
14.00-14.05Time to move to the workshop rooms
14.05-15.20Workshop round IICompetence-oriented learning and teaching: Clémence Dubois, Robert Eckardt, Christiane Schmullius, Friedrich Schiller University Jena: Peer-to-peer teaching in earth observation (short inputs and exchange) Moderation: Anna Svet (FSU Jena)Digitally supported examinations and alternative examination formats: Susanne Hoppe, University of Erfurt: Language tests with online tools. and Theres Werner, Friedrich Schiller University Jena: Alternative examination formats in the context of digital teaching and learning (lecture and exchange). Moderation: Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel (eTeach Formats & Methods Unit) Technologies for teaching: Kathrin Knutzen and Gunther Kreuzberger, TU Ilmenau: Teaching and learning in virtual space (lecture, demo and exchange) and Zaryab Chaudry, eTeach media technology department: Collaborative whiteboards (input, demos, exchange). Moderation: Zaryab Chaudhry (eTeach media technology department)Digitization and me: Cordula Borbe, Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences: Increase interactions in online teaching and Susanne Wille, Bauhaus University Weimar: Your self as a tool - How do we create real cooperation in the virtual learning space? Moderation: Laura Weitze (eTeach contact point Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)Teach & Tools: Giovanni Del Galdo, Steffen Schieler and Jonas Gedschold, TU Ilmenau: From analog face-to-face events to digital self-study (short input and demos). Moderation: Theresia Piszczan (eTeach contact point University of Erfurt)
15.20-15.40SummarySummary of the workshop round with a view to the Visual board.
15.40-16.00Coffee break
16.00-16.30Innovation in the eTeach networkPresentation of the format cooperative impulse projects and presentation of current projects. Discussion and exchange. Moderation: Sebastian Metag and Christine Hess (eTeach Network Thuringia)
around 16.30Farewell ceremonyAward ceremony for the digital scavenger hunt (conference moderation) and a few words at the end: Gerd Mannhaupt (Academic Director of the eTeach Network Thuringia)

Registration for the conference closed.

Interested conference visitors can dial into the program at any time via the individual rooms and take part.

Parcel shipment to the online conference (closed)

Due to the high demand, registration for the conference packages is unfortunately now closed. Registration will remain open for the conference itself - and you can look forward to content and digital treats there too!

Call for Contribution (closed)

Since the spring of 2020, Thuringian universities have promoted media-enriched teaching and learning in a variety of ways. As teachers, students or multipliers, you have developed, tested and/or experienced structural, organizational, methodological and subject-specific innovations. At the eTeach annual conference on October 8, 2021, we would like to give your expertise, questions and wishes a stage. The event will focus on thematic impulses, models of good practice and hopefully also unusual ideas for skills-oriented teaching and learning. A special focus will be placed on digitally supported testing and alternative forms of testing, not least because formats, methods and applications for digital testing have become noticeably more important under pandemic conditions.

We cordially invite you to participate with a contribution, your project and your expertise in one of the the following topics:

  1. Competence-oriented learning and teaching (e.g. planning through constructive alignment, use of exemplary, context- and application-related tasks and requirements)
  2. Digitally supported examinations and alternative examination formats (e.g. competence-oriented examinations, open book examinations)
  3. Technologies for teaching (e.g. Save Exam Browser, participation tool, collaborative tools)
  4. Digitalization and ego (e.g. cultural diversity in online teaching, accessibility and inclusion, communication and interaction under pandemic conditions)
  5. Teach & Tools: Practical experience and established examples of inspiring formats of hybrid, interactive, media-enriched teaching

The contributions should follow the following three key questions move:

A total of two workshop sessions (75 minutes each) with parallel topic slots will be available during the conference for the presentation and discussion of your contribution. The following three contribution formats are available within these topic slots:

A) Short inputs and exchange: A maximum of three 15-minute short impulses provide a good introduction to a topic. In your 15-minute impulse, you give a brief overview of your experience in one of the above-mentioned topics (1-4) based on the three key questions above. Questions are then answered and a discussion between the keynote speaker and participants is moderated.

B) Lecture & exchange: In order to offer participants an in-depth and differentiated insight into a topic of their choice, there is also the option of starting the session with a maximum 45-minute input. Afterwards, questions will be answered and an exchange between the keynote speaker and participants will be moderated.

C) Mini-training: In this format, participants receive thematic input as well as methodological and didactic information on the integration of digital tools and applications in media-enriched teaching. They can also try out tools and/or learn about examples of good practice.

Submission modalities
Teachers, students, university didactics experts and interested parties from Thuringia and all over Germany are cordially invited to submit a contribution! Please give us the title of your contribution and the names of the speakers with contact information. Please choose one of the named topics (1-5) and formats (A,B,C) and present your contribution in a maximum of 2,000 characters (including spaces). Please let us know if you require a specific application or technique that is not available to you. Please send your submission (in PDF format) no later than September 13, 2021 on contact[at]eteach-thueringen.de. Thank you very much!

You can find the Call for Contribution as a PDF in the download area (red box)

Information about the conference

Date & location: October 08, 2021, 9:00 - 16:30. The workshop took place via the BigBlueButton platform.

The conference was organized by eTEACH Network Thuringia organized.

To the Digital Conference 2020 >>>

Downloads for the procedure

Conference program as PDF

Notes on conference tools as PDF

Invitation to the annual conference as PDF

Invitation to the annual conference with reference to the Call for Contribution as PDF

Call for Contribution as PDF

Download to lectures

Complete documentation Miroboard

Keynote Barbara Oakley

Workshop Barbara Oakley

Presentation of impulse projects

Presentation ProTelc

Presentation HFD

Information about the platform

The online conference will be implemented via the open source web conferencing system BigBlueButton. You can find a tutorial on how to use it in German >>> here.

A tutorial "How to use BigBlueBlutton" in English can be found >>> here

Conference office

The digital conference office will answer questions about technology and the program during the conference.

Tel: +49 (0) 36 43/58 12 54


Christine Hess | Conference Coordination
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 12 66 
E-Mail: christine.hess[at]uni-weimar.de

Iren Schulz | Conference Communication
Phone +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 12 65
E-Mail: iren.schulz[at]uni-weimar.de

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences

Contact points

University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

Contact point

University of Erfurt

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Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar

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Bauhaus University Weimar

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