Space.time.format: Learning and teaching in hybrid scenarios

Details and contact

The annual conference took place on November 17 & 18, 2022 hybrid at the Technical University of Ilmenau in the Ernst Abbe Center. It was organized jointly with the Ilmenau University of Technology.

Contact us

Iren Schulz | Conference organization

Martin Backhaus | Conference organization

Thank you very much for your participation and contribution!

Over the past two and a half years, teachers and students at Thuringian universities have shown how agile they are in online scenarios, that many of their experimental approaches are now being consolidated and are shaping the transformation of teaching, learning and assessment as they continue to develop: Digital and media technology, methodological-didactic and structural innovations have been developed, tested and established. This has made it possible to successfully implement media-based teaching scenarios and open up virtual spaces for learning.

At the same time, social interaction and collaboration as well as direct communication and a university atmosphere remain requirements that are conducive to learning, connecting and identity-forming, which must also be addressed in media-enriched and future teaching, learning and testing. Against this backdrop, hybrid formats, spaces and framework conditions that create a link between virtual and real teaching and learning scenarios are becoming increasingly important.

With the eTeach Annual Conference 2022, we would like to focus on related innovations and experiences as well as opportunities and challenges, critically reflect on them and present examples of implementation. We would like to cordially invite you to our event at the Ilmenau University of Technology! Registration will be possible soon.

Video insights into the eTeach Annual Conference 2022

Photo impressions of the eTeach annual conference 2022

Documentation of contributions to the annual conference

  • Keynote Ulf-Daniel Ehlers "Future Skills: Future skills for the world of today?" (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University) >>> Download as PDF
  • Workshop Matthias Bandtel, Andras Sexauer& Jena Cho: "The future of hybrid teaching" (KIT and University Network Baden- Württemberg) >>> Download as PDF
  • Workshop Bettina Pfändner "From concept to operational implementation of hybrid teaching settings at an Australian university (Swinburne University of Technology) >>> Download as PDF
  • Panel Technologies in Teaching | Lars Abrahamczyk ( Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) "Aspects of virtual experiments in the Parforce project" >>> Download as PDF
  • Panel Technologies in Teaching | Jakob Hüfner (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar): "Modular canvas - platform for haptic & interactive storytelling" >>> Download as PDF
  • Social interaction panel | Yuliia Danyliuk (Ilmenau University of Technology) "Social interaction in digital studies: best practices and challenges" >>> Download as PDF
  • Panel Social Togetherness | Gunther Kreuzberger (TU Ilmenau): Didactic approaches for virtual spaces in social virtual reality in hybrid university teaching >>> Download as PDF
  • Panel Support Scenarios | Veronika Mi khailova (TU Ilmenau): "Teaching Academic Skills with a Moodle-Based Online Course" >>> Download as PDF
  • Panel Support Scenarios | Gerald Schabe (Bremen University of Applied Sciences): "Implementation of a student support system for hybrid teaching" >>> Download as PDF
  • Panel Support Scenarios | Bilal Zafar (TU Ilmenau): "Digital teaching in MSCSP - Best practice examples" >>> Download as PDF
  • Lecture session | Uwe Stadler (University of Wuppertal): "DIGI-KOMP.NRW 2.0" >>> Download as PDF
  • Lecture session | Mira Rochyardi-Reetz (TU Ilmenau): 
    VR approach to mediation via German media in the political system >>> Download as PDF

Poster presentations from the trade fair day

Faces of the event

If you would like to find out more about the contributors, the supporting program and
the organization team:

>>> Exhibition stands and posters
>>> Workshops, panels and lectures
>>> Keynote, podium and moderation
>>> Culture, technology and coordination

Fair day: November 17

12.30 p.m.

Arriving at the Ilmenau University of Technology

1:00 p.m.

Welcome by the conference moderators Dorothea Warneck (eTeach contact point at the HfM Weimar) and Laura Weitze (eTeach contact point at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Anja Geigenmüller (Vice President for Education at the Ilmenau University of Technology) and Sebastian Metag (Head of the eTeach Network Thuringia)

1:30 pm

Keynote and experimental interaction
Thematic introduction with Ulf-Daniel Ehlers "Future Skills: Future skills for the world of today?" (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University)
Interactive impulse "Hingehört" with Juan M.V. Garcia (Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar)


Trade fair

  • Exhibition stands: including the impulse projects of the eTeach Network Thuringia and the Fellows of the Stifterverband
  • Demonstrations: Thuringian universities, as well as external players and companies, will present digital set-ups for the implementation of media-enriched teaching, learning and examination scenarios.
  • Pitches: short presentation of selected projects, companies and setups on the trade fair stage
  • Poster session during the entire trade fair
    Accompanying visualizations and visions with the >>>illustration machine


Future Perspectives
Hybrid panel discussion with Oliver Lorenz (Strategist for Learning Innovation & Culture, Instructional Designer, connected online), Yasmin Djabarian (Head of Innovation Hub & Team Development, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Stifterverband, connected online), Michael Garkisch (Professor of Social Management at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt), Niko Kron (Student Consul of the Technical University Ilmenau), Molly Hall (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Student Council of the University of Erfurt), moderation: Laura Muske and Ronny Schüler (Bauhaus University Weimar)

5:30 pm

Cat in the bag" ensemble

6:30 pm

Get Together
Dinner and exchange

Conference day: November 18

8:30 a.m.

Arriving at the Ilmenau University of Technology

9:00 a.m.

Good morning! 
Summary of the trade fair day and transition by the conference moderator and Gerd Mannhaupt (Academic Director of the eTeach Network Thuringia) and Christine Hess (Director of the eTeach Network Thuringia) Room EAZ 1337 and >>> BBB1 

9:30-11.00 a.m.

Session I: Workshops (in presence and online)
The future of hybrid teaching (Matthias Bandtel/Andras Sexauer/Jena Cho, HND-BW & KIT) Room EAZ 1337 and >>> BBB1
From concept to operational implementation of hybrid teaching settings at an Australian university (joined online: Bettina Pfändner, Swinburne University of Technology) Room EAZ 1222 and >>> BBB2
Flexible, mobile, sensitive - Collaborative International Learning in Thuringia (Hasnain Bokhari, University of Erfurt) Room EAZ 1220 and >>> BBB3

11:00-11:30 a.m.

Coffee break


Session II Panels and presentations (in presence and online)

Room EAZ 1337 and >>> BBB1
All-in-one video studio: the icing on the cake of your learning strategy (Felix Nübold, Rapidmooc)
Modular canvas - platform for haptic & interactive storytelling (Jakob Hüfner, Bauhaus-Universtät Weimar):
Aspects of virtual experiments in the Parforce project (Lars Abrahamczyk, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Combination of different methods for sustainable knowledge transfer in micro- and nanotechnology (Heike Bartsch, TU llmenau)

Room EAZ 1222 and >>> BBB2
DIGEXAM: Online exams in digital learning environments and model-based online tools using EvaExam (Claudia Hönemann, TU Ilmenau)
Collaborative work with Git as a digital examination concept (Hendrik Fehr, TU Ilmenau)
Implementation of online exams with WorkAdventure (Staudemeyer/Tefke, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences)

Room EAZ 1220 and >>> BBB3
Social Virtual Reality in a journalistic application - a practical student project (Liane Rothenberger KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, and Rolf Kruse, FH Erfurt)
DIGI-KOMP.NRW 2.0 (Uwe Stadler, University of Wuppertal)


Lunch break


 Session III Panels and presentations (in presence and online)

Room EAZ 1337 and >>> BBB1
Teaching Academic Skills with a Moodle-Based Online Course (Veronika Mikhailova, TU Ilmenau)
Implementation of a student support system for hybrid teaching (connected online: Gerald Schwabe, Bremen University of Applied Sciences)
Digital teaching in MSCSP - Best practice examples (connected online:Bilal Zafar, TU Ilmenau)
E-portfolio work with key situations as a learning setting for students (Saskia Erbring, FH Erfurt)

Room EAZ 1222 and >>> BBB2
Social Virtual Reality for cross-university courses (Rolf Kruse, FH Erfurt)
Didactic approaches for virtual spaces in social virtual reality in hybrid university teaching (Gunther Kreuzberger, TU Ilmenau)
Using Social VR in teaching intercultural communication (Irina Tribusean/ Yi Xu, TU Ilmenau)
Social interaction in digital studies: best practices and challenges (Yuliia Danyliuk, TU Ilmenau)

Room EAZ 1220 and >>> BBB3
VR approach to mediation via German media in the political system (Mira Rochyardi-Reetz, TU Ilmenau)
Weightless through space and time (Frank Thiel, Dresden University of Applied Sciences)

around 15:00

Conclusion and goodbye!

Closing remarks by Gerd Mannhaupt (Academic Director of the eTeach Network Thuringia) Room EAZ 1337 and >>> BBB1 

Downloads & Press.

Past events

The eTeach Annual Conference 2021 took place online on October 8.

The eTeach Annual Conference 2020 took place online on October 1.

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences

Contact points

University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

Contact point

University of Erfurt

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Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar

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Bauhaus University Weimar

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