eTeach annual conference 2024
Annual conference 2024
Building bridges. Areas of tension in digital teaching innovations
- November 04 - 05, 2024
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- two-day & hybrid
Details and contact
Date & location: November 04 & 05. The conference will take place hybrid, i.e. online and in the main university building at Fürstengraben 1 in 07743 Jena. Participation in the event is free of charge.
The event is organized by the eTeach Network Thuringia together with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Contact us
Christina Otto
Conference organization as eTeach contact point
of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- +49 03641/940-1619
Elisa Kirbst
Conference organization as an eTeach specialist unit
for communication and events
- +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 12 65

The eTeach Annual Conference 2024 will take place in cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Brief review of the annual conference
Two intensive days are behind us and it was fun to get to know so many different people with their projects and perspectives. After 62 contributions, including 2 keynotes, 11 theme islands, 14 keynote speeches, 4 workshops, an extensive trade fair and poster gallery consisting of 29 stands, some special formats and the concluding panel discussion, we hope that the approximately 120 participants on site and around 70 in the livestream will also go home well filled with impressions were able to.
Review of key topics and keynotes
The motto of this year's annual eTeach conference was "Building bridges. Fields of tension in digital teaching innovations" and dealt with the central question of how digital technologies can contribute to the expansion, but also the strengthening of teaching. In the opening keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Benno Stein emphasized that the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI) is essential in order to promote technology-supported creativity without becoming dependent on technology. Another highlight was the second keynote speech by Dr. Laura Sūna, who shed light on the digital skills of students and addressed the challenges and opportunities in the digital age.
Outlook and next steps
The conference concluded with a panel discussion on the topic of "What next in the field of tension of digital teaching?". The panel discussed how teachers and students can be more closely involved in the future in order to create a healthy balance between digital and analog teaching. Above all, our lecturers would like to see more flexibility, synergies in collaboration and greater involvement of students.
Another joyful highlight for us was welcoming Prof. Dr. Cordula Borbe from Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences as the new academic director of the eTeach network! She emphasized the importance of experimentation in digital teaching: "It's great that the eTeach network makes this possible."
We look forward to building on these experiences next year and would like to thank all participants for their inspiring contributions, exciting discussions and valuable insights into their experiences and thoughts.
The conference contents, such as presentations, posters and contact information for the individual projects are available on the Indico page available.
The recordings of the keynotes and keynote speeches can be found on the digital library Thuringia (dbt).

Understanding to remain confident: Using, assessing, mastering AI.
The keynote will give a brief introduction to the principles of symbolic and sub-symbolic artificial intelligence. The functionality of generative language models (Large Language Models, LLMs) will be illustrated and the potential of this currently very popular technology, such as intelligent decision support or new possibilities in teaching, and the risks, such as manipulation through framing or disinformation, will be outlined. This presentation does not remain on a general level in the lecture, but is motivated by concrete research questions and results from various research and teaching projects of the lecturer's working group with example applications.
Benno Stein is Professor of Computer Science and head of the "Intelligent Information Systems" working group at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. His research deals with theories, algorithms and tools for information retrieval, machine learning, natural language processing and symbolic knowledge processing. He has been awarded scientific and commercial prizes for several of his research achievements. He is co-founder and speaker of the Digital Bauhaus Lab, an interdisciplinary research center for computer science, art and technology.
"Student skills in the digital age: current findings and theoretical reflections"
Technologies such as algorithmic recommendation systems on TikTok, voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa or generative AI such as chat GPT characterize the everyday media use of students. But what skills do they need to use these technologies confidently in everyday life and in learning environments? Are these AI skills, media skills, digital skills or others?
The lecture answers such questions. In addition, empirical studies will be used to show how students assess their skills and where there is a need for support. Finally, conclusions will be drawn for university teaching.
Dr. Laura Sūna is a research associate at the University of Siegen, where she conducts research on digital skills and AI-related skills of people in adulthood as part of the joint project Digital Germany. She has conducted studies on AI narratives in online comments and on the use of AI by people with a history of migration.

Conference concept
Under the title "Building bridges. Fields of tension in digital teaching innovations", this year's annual conference of the eTeach Network Thuringia focuses on fields of tension, distortions and blind spots that arise through the introduction and use of digital technologies, media and artificial intelligence in university teaching. The conference offers the opportunity to exchange views and network on current issues, build bridges and outline ways of dealing with these distortions. This year, it will take place on November 4 and 5, 2024 and will be co-hosted with Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Rapid developments and innovations in the field of digitalization are influencing teaching and learning by enabling new scenarios of digital teaching and learning, flexible and time-independent use of learning materials, self-determined learning and cooperation beyond the boundaries of one's own university. At the same time, digitalization results in requirements that put tried and tested didactic methods and concepts to the test. They affect the spaces of learning and teaching and the social interaction between learners and teachers alike. In addition to enthusiasm and potential for innovation, it is also about questions of resources, goal- and needs-oriented inclusion, mindfulness and questions of equal opportunities, participation in university discourse and participation in digitality.
Such developments have been shaping universities for several years and raise urgent questions: Who benefits and who is left behind? How can all those involved in educational processes be supported? How can bridges be built that compensate for differences in resources, skills, prerequisites and technology acceptance? We are looking for participatory contributions that touch on the following topics:
Subject areas
Artificial intelligence: z. E.g. How can AI tools be used responsibly and constructively so that teachers, students and society benefit from them? What new models of teaching, learning and studying with AI exist? What lessons can be learned from previous experiences
Digital testing: z. For example, how do the changed conditions (in particular the high level of awareness and use of AI tools) affect the practice of testing? Which testing formats have proven particularly successful under these conditions? Which are fit for the future
Learning platforms and digital tools: z. For example, how can learning platforms and digital tools be used to make teaching efficient and inclusive? How can existing or missing infrastructural connections between universities be used to facilitate exchange and joint learning and teaching across universities?
Key digital skills: z. e. How can teachers and students be strengthened in their media and data skills in order to meet the requirements of professionalization and changing roles in an ever-changing digital world?
We look forward to receiving submissions on the above-mentioned topics as well as other impulses and ideas. Let's find ways together to develop attractive, participatory, inclusive higher education that takes diversity into account! All information on topics and formats as well as the submission form can be found via the button below.
Article formats
You can submit your contributions in German or English for various formats. submit. Please indicate your preferred format with your submission. We keep We reserve the right to assign your contribution to another program together with you. event format.
Impulse: In the impulses, experiences and ideas can be presented in a lecture-oriented contribution. application scenarios from and for teaching practice are presented in more detail and Reflected in an exchange. (Duration: 10-15 min + discussion)
Workshop: The format offers the opportunity for collaborative, interactive and practice-oriented group work. Here you have the opportunity to work with specific teaching and learning projects or specific issues. Through the exchange of knowledge in the group, you can not only benefit from the experience others, but also actively contribute to the realization of project ideas. to develop further. (Duration: 90 min)
Theme islands As an interactive exchange format, they highlight the focus on thematic clusters in an informal atmosphere. After a short 5-minute your projects, innovation ideas and experience reports receive thematic impetus Space for collegial exchange. (Duration: 30 min)
Showcases can present posters on ongoing or completed (teaching) projects or stands with offers for demonstration, trying out or presentation. The showcases start with a one-minute pitch followed by a discussion and In-depth discussion at the respective stands and posters. (Duration: 60 min.)
Target group
We strive to welcome all participants to our events and offer them an accessible experience. Therefore, the eTeach Annual Conference will be held as a hybrid event.
Since not all program items can be transmitted in hybrid form and As some rooms are only accessible via stairs, we kindly ask you to inform us in advance of any special needs, e.g. mobility restrictions. By specifying your needs in advance, we can ensure that we make appropriate adjustments and create an inclusive environment.
You can communicate your needs via the registration form, by e-mail or by telephone. We will treat your details confidentially and only involve the people who need to plan and implement the adjustments.
Please note that we have a deadline of 2 weeks before the event for the notification of special requirements to ensure that we have enough time to make the necessary adjustments.
We look forward to welcoming you to our event and providing you with an enjoyable and accessible experience.
Submission modalities
Abstracts should not exceed 500 - 800 words. About the Acceptance of the contributions will be decided by September 2, 2024.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact the eTeach annual conference organization team jahrestagung@eteach-thueringen.de
Program (in planning)
Monday, November 04, 2024
Registering and arriving at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Welcome! (auditorium or livestream)
Welcome by the conference moderator, the university management of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the management of the eTeach Network Thuringia
Keynote (auditorium or livestream)
Pitch and viewing of the showcases
Informing, exchanging and trying out
Parallel lectures
Informing, discussing and exchanging ideas
Paraller Talk from the showcases
Deepening, discussing and exchanging
Dinner and exchange.
Tuesday, November 05, 2024
Arrival and registration
Welcome! (auditorium or livestream)
Welcome by the conference moderator, the university management of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the management of the eTeach Network Thuringia
Exchange and discuss
Parallel workshops
Informing, discussing and exchanging ideas
Parallel impulses
Informing, discussing and exchanging ideas
Merging, discussing and formulating
Past events
- 04. - 05.11.2024
- Expired!
- 8:00 - 15:00
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 04. - 05.11.2024
- Time: 3:00 - 10:00
Main university building
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 07737 Jena
eTeach Network Thuringia