eTeach Annual Conference 2023
Between Bibo and Bot: Students in view
- November 15-16, 2023
- FH Erfurt
- two-day & hybrid
Details and contact
Date & location: November 15 & 16, 2023 The conference took place hybrid, i.e. online and at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt in House 6 (workshop rooms) and House 8 (exhibition areas) >>> to the site plan Altonaer Straße 25.
Participation in the event was free of charge. The event was organized by the eTeach Network Thuringia together with the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.
Contact us
Ludwig Finster
Conference organization
- +49 (0) 361 6700-7415
Dr. Iren Schulz
Conference organization
- +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 12 65

Many thanks for the great impulses, discussions and ideas!
After the annual conference is before the annual conference. We hope that you have already taken away many good ideas and had good discussions! We look forward to your feedback on the annual conference in particular - and on the services offered by the eTeach Network Thuringia in general. Thank you very much and see you next time! You can find out about upcoming events on media-enhanced teaching, learning and assessment in our newsletter!
Photo impressions of the eTeach annual conference 2023
Presentations: Project pitches by Fellows of the Stifterband and recipients of the eTeach impulse projects
Faces of the event

If you would like to find out more about the contributors, the supporting program and
the organization team:
>>> Formats on the day of the fair
>>> Formats on the conference day
>>> Keynotes Opening Talk and Moderation
>>> Culture, technology and coordination

November 15, 2023: The trade fair day to try out and exchange ideas
Arriving at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences
Welcome! (Room 8.2.01 or via livestream)
Welcome by the conference moderator Nicole Baron (eTeach contact point at the Bauhau University Weimar), Steffen Riedl (Vice President for Studies and Teaching at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences) and Sebastian Metag (Management in the eTeach network)
Opening Talk (Room 8.2.01 or via livestream)
Britta Leusing (Deputy Managing Director of the KI Campus), Simon Frisch (Vice President for Studies and Teaching at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Florens Förster (Digital Change Maker Initiative of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung), Johanna Weidlich (former spokeswoman of the Bavarian Conference of Students) and Jonathan Schäfer (Speaker of the Thuringian Student Union Conference) >>> More about the people
Moderation: Sebastian Metag (management of the eTeach network) and Nicole Baron (eTeach contact point at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
14:30 – 15:15
Live pitches in the foyer, 1st floor and >>>BBPitches
>>> detailed information on the trade fair contributions
Open LabInside FHE: Climatic laboratory with indoor air flow chamber - with presentation of a VR alternative with Sylvia Willing (Erfurt University of Applied Sciences)
Mini workshop (Room 6.1.36 or >>>BB1): How universities tick - shaping change processes at universities. Angela Weißköppel (Head of Teaching Service Center Deputy Project Manager Curriculum Innovation Hub) and Nadine Böhme (University of Erfurt and Fellow of the Stifterverband funding program). Moderation: Birgit Ossenkopf (Stifterverband)
Theme island 1 (Foyer, 1st floor): Education in the digital world: New ways of studying to become a GS teacher at the University of Koblenz with B. Schnabel (University of Koblenz) Eduroom: Workshop for media education with Maren Würfel and Dagmar Brand (University of Erfurt). Moderation: Theresia Piszczan (eTeach contact point at the University of Erfurt)
Theme island 2 (Foyer, 2nd floor): Is it Worth it? Possibilities of Virtual Gathering Platforms Within Academic Teaching and Learning Settings with Sophie Foster (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) +++ Potential of immersive teaching/learning environments and virtual reality in the educational landscape with Susanne Karsten (Erfurt University of Applied Sciences) and Kathrin Knutzen (Ilmenau University of Technology). Moderation: Svea Benett (eTeach specialist unit for media technology)
15:30 – 16:15
>>> detailed information on the trade fair contributions
Open LabInside FHE: Future workshop - digitalization/interdisciplinary robotics learning workshop with Oksana Arnold (Erfurt University of Applied Sciences) and Student Projects / House 11 with students from Erfurt University of Applied Sciences.
Mini workshop (Room 8.2.01 or in the >>>ZOOM room): One year of GenAI on campus: looking back and looking ahead at transformation processes in higher education. Anika Limburg (Head of the LehrLernZentrum at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences). Moderation: Iren Schulz (eTeach specialist unit for communication and networking)
Introductory workshop at the trade fair stand: "Decoding the Disciplines" with the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and HFDLocal with Uwe Reckzeh-Stein and Stella Berendes (University Forum on Digitization)
Strolling gallery (Foyer, 1st floor and >>>BBPitches) Pitches of the poster presentations on the exhibition area. Moderation: Frederike Mohr (eTeach contact point at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences) and Salma Viràg Pethö-Zayed (Students of the Bauhaus University Weimar)
16:15 – 17:00
Live pitches in the foyer, 2nd floor and >>>BBPitches
>>> detailed information on the trade fair contributions
Viewing the exhibition stands with the opportunity to try out and exchange ideas, with pitches and interviews on the exhibition floor. Moderation: Salma Viràg Pethö-Zayed (students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) and Frederike Mohr (eTeach contact point at the Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences)
17:05 – 17:50
>>> detailed information on the trade fair contributions
Open LabInside FHE: Virtual reality lab with Rolf Kruse (Erfurt University of Applied Sciences).
Mini workshop (Room 6.1.21 or >>>BB2): Vis-à-vis - speaking in between. Anne Brannys-Droste and Andreas Wolter (Bauhaus University Weimar). Together with: Challenges in establishing hybrid co-learning spaces as design spaces. A field report. Lars Gerber and Lasse Rabe (University of Vechta) Moderation: Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel (Management of the eTeach network Thuringia)
Theme island 1 (Foyer, 1st floor): Development of skills in the area of data literacy during the course of study through the modular combination of self-study courses and classroom input with Volker Schwartze and Martin Kerntopf (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) OnePageLayout. A construction kit for teaching/learning content and scenarios. Ulrich Hofmann-from Kap-herr (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences) Moderation: Christina Otto (eTeach contact point at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Theme island 2 (Foyer, 2nd floor):Hybrid³ - planning, designing and implementing synchronous-hybrid events with Xervenia Wagner (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences) and Alisa Poleshchuk (Harz University of Applied Sciences) +++ From maxi- to mini-workshop: Knowing how: Designing effective teaching and learning materials with Nadine Wegmeyer and Christin Deinert (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences) +++ How an asynchronous online course becomes more interactive than a face-to-face event with Kai E. Wishes (Meissen University of Applied Sciences). Moderation: Cathleen Schöne (eTeach center for qualification and networking)
18:00 – 19:00
MUSICAL EVENT (Room 8.2.01 or via livestream)
>>> more about the people
Summary by the conference moderator
The Core: Concert in a Global Virtual Acoustic Space
GET TOGETHER (Canteen of the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences)
Dinner and exchange.
November 16, 2023: The conference day to set impulses and inform
Arriving at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences
Tomorrow! (Room 8.2.01 or >>>BB main stage)
Summary of the trade fair day and transition by the conference moderator Nicole Baron (eTeach contact point at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) and Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel (Management in the eTeach network) (Room 8.2.01 or >>>BB main stage)
9:15 – 10:15
Keynotes (Room 8.2.01 or >>>BB main stage)
Oliver Reis (University of Paderborn)
Ludwig Schenk (Potsdam University of Applied Sciences)
>>> more about the people
Moderation: Nicole Baron (eTeach contact point at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) and Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel (Management in the eTeach network)
10:30 – 11:15
SESSION ROUND I (in presence and online)
>>> to the detailed description of the contributions
IMPULSE | Room 6.1.36 and >>>BB1
ChatGPT in teaching - desire and reality - from the perspective of an AI professor. Oksana Arnold (Erfurt University of Applied Sciences) Moderation: Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel (Management in the eTeach network)
HIGHLIGHTS OF CHANGE | Room 6.1.21 and >>>BB2
From Ideas to Impact: How can student-led projects create sustainable change? A DigitalChangeMaker Accelerator panel on student-led change projects. With Alina Dieminger (SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg) and Ludwig Lorenz (Bauhaus University Weimar), Hanna Kerwin (University of Leipzig) and Cynthia Seidel (German School of Journalism Munich) and Shreesh Karmarkar, Paulina Denhí Gómez Escalona and Linda Cacéres Leal (University of Erfurt) Moderation: Silke Müller (Program manager for student participation and innovative learning spaces at the Stifterverband)
ADDITION! | Room 6.1.19 and >>>BB3
Interactive learning status survey - drawing conclusions about students' skills from the results. Christian Döbel (Gera-Eisenach Cooperative State University) +++ Development of a decentralized ethical security hacking lab. Tobias Tefke & Ralf C. Staudemeyer (Hochschule Schmalkalden) +++ +++ Automated evaluation of programming tasks with MATLAB Grader - application scenarios and sample tasks. Andreas Apostolatos (MathWorks) Moderation: Martina Gebhardt (eTeach contact point at the Gera-Eisenach Cooperative State University)
11:15 – 11:45
Coffee break
Coffee round for the participating students.
11:45 – 12:30
SESSION ROUND II (in presence and online)
>>> to the detailed description of the contributions
IMPULSE | Room 6.1.36 and >>>BB1
Inverted classroom as a space for experimentation in teaching: How can the workload be reduced and motivation increased? Cordula Borbe (Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences) Moderation: Marius Knodel (eTeach contact point at Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences)
*"Participation at eye level - students as teachers" Larissa Barth, Ronny Schüler, Anna Paulina Graf (Bauhaus University Weimar)
*Students at the limit: Implementing mindful participation in universities. Alina Dieminger (psychology student and working student at the KI Campus) and Ludwig Lorenz (Assistant for Student Participation, Bauhaus University Weimar) Moderation: Maren Würfel and Theresia Piszczan (eTeach contact points at the University of Erfurt)
ADDITION! | Room 6.1.19 and >>>BB3
How can the needs and requirements of students be incorporated into the design of innovative examination formats? - With design thinking! Anna Hertlein (Ilmenau University of Technology)(n/a)+++ Solutions for digital, competence-oriented testing in engineering degree programs. Nicola Henze (Ilmenau University of Technology) +++ Digitalization of the examination process at universities. Leyla Dörflinger (UNIWise) Moderation: Martin Backhaus (eTeach contact point at the Ilmenau University of Technology)
12:30 – 13:45
Lunch break
Coffee round for the participating students.
13:45 – 14:30
SESSION ROUND III (in presence and online)
>>> to the detailed description of the contributions
IMPULSE | Room 6.1.36 and >>>BB1
Interactive teaching in the library - it's possible! Milena Pfafferott and Uwe Hirte (Ilmenau University of Technology)
See you later in the library ..." Media-enriched teaching of information literacy at Erfurt University Library. Sabine Ziebarth (University of Erfurt) Moderation: Dorothea Warneck (eTeach contact point at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT in Weimar)
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE FUTURE | Room 6.1.21 and >>>BB2
*Metaverses for the digital university of tomorrow. Dirk Schmalzried (Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena)
*The journey to student-centeredness - success story or never-ending story? Lea Bachus (Bielefeld University)
*From the lecture hall to the patient's bedside - effective theory-practice transfer through simulation in the SkillsLab Bettina Bickelhaupt (Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena)
Moderation: Petra Lepetit (eTeach contact point at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena)
ADDITION! | Room 6.1.19 and >>>BB3
VR photo studio - Interdisciplinary teaching-learning experiment by students of design and computer science (AT) Judith Dobler, Caroline Schon (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) +++ Virtual reality-based user studies in architectural education. Sven Schneider (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) +++ Cross-university XR network uniVERSEty. Rolf Kruse (Erfurt University of Applied Sciences) Moderation Cathleen Schöne (eTeach center for qualification and networking)
around 14.30
Conclusion and goodbye! | (Room 6.1.36 and >>>BB1)
Closing words from the eTeach network Thuringia
Downloads & Press.
Past events
The eTeach Annual Conference 2022 took place online and on-site at the Ilmenau University of Technology on November 17 & 18.

The eTeach Annual Conference 2021 took place online on October 8 and was technically supervised at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

- 15. - 16.11.2023
- Expired!
- 8:00 - 15:00
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 15. - 16.11.2023
- Time: 3:00 - 10:00
Campus FH Erfurt
- Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, 99085 Erfurt
eTeach Network Thuringia