Cooperative impulse projects

The "Cooperative impulse projects" funding format brings together teachers who want to work together on the further development of learning, teaching and testing. Here, engineers work together with didacticians or urban planners develop an idea with musicians. The cooperative impulse projects enable an intensive examination of one's own course, the curriculum of a degree program or invite experimentation, i.e. trying out something new. To date 21 impulse projects at the Thuringian universities.

Develop your project in cooperation!

A cooperative impulse project can be applied for by full-time lecturers at Thuringian universities. The application can be submitted in one of the three funding lines (development, enrichment, testing). The eTeach Network Thuringia supports the implementation of projects lasting up to one year with personnel and material resources. All options and framework conditions are summarized in the "Funding guideline" summarized. Please take note of these before submitting your application. Submission deadline for the year 24/25 is September 01, 2024.

You've come to the right place if you want to jointly develop formats for learning, teaching and testing. This could be a didactic concept for a new module, a self-study course including learning materials or a concept for competence-oriented assessment. Your application in funding line 1 will be evaluated in particular with regard to a comprehensible didactic concept and your considerations for integration into the curricula. Further funding criteria can be found in the Funding guideline remove

This funding line focuses on the media-related and digital enrichment of learning, teaching and examination concepts in face-to-face, virtual or hybrid form. This involves, for example, the development and implementation of concepts for the digital enrichment of a course, the development of tools and applications for digital or hybrid learning or the production of teaching and learning materials as Open Educational Resources (OER). Your application in funding line 2 will be evaluated in particular with regard to a comprehensible concept for the media or digital enrichment of learning, teaching or testing and your considerations for integration into the curricula. Further funding criteria can be found in the Funding guideline take.

Funding line 3 focuses on testing experimental ideas, for example the creative development of unusual learning, teaching and examination scenarios or the open-ended evaluation of various didactic concepts. It is also possible to critically reflect on existing strategies and concepts or to transfer learning, teaching and examination concepts from other contexts. Your application in funding line 3 will be evaluated in particular with regard to the innovative potential of the project, the added value compared to the status quo and your concept for processing the results and making them available to the public. Further funding criteria can be found in the Funding guideline take.

How do you submit your project application?

The possibilities and conditions for funding can be found in the Funding guideline. For the application please use this form.

Each application requires the approval of the management of the participating universities. For the internal coordination process, we recommend getting in touch with your contact point at an early stage. They will also advise you on the application process and provide support if you are looking for cooperation partners.

Please note the submission deadline applicable at your university. The approved application is submitted via the contact point.

After September 1, the Strategy Council's award committee reviews all applications submitted via the contact points. The Strategy Council receives a funding recommendation and makes a funding decision on this basis. This is announced in good time so that vacancies can be filled from January of the following year.

Answers to important questions about the cooperative impulse projects can be found in the FAQ area compiled. We will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about the application process, funding conditions and financing.

Applicants and parties involved
Please name the applicant 2. Professors and academic staff at Thuringian universities are eligible to apply.
Applicants and parties involved
Please state the names and affiliations of other parties involved (name, university).
Description of the project
For website and publications: Summarize your project in brief. Describe the objectives, expected innovations and the results.
Explanations of the funding lines can be found at the bottom of the page.
Please briefly describe the initial situation. What challenges, problems or opportunities have you identified? Where does your project start to find a solution?
Describe the innovation potential of your project. What is the added value compared to the status quo?
Describe the objectives of the project. Also state the individual goals of the cooperation partners.
Briefly outline the benefits and synergies you expect from the cooperation.
Briefly describe how you will involve students in the design, development, testing and evaluation.
What links do you see to the developments at your university, particularly with regard to media and university didactic innovations? Briefly describe whether and how you intend to integrate your project into these developments.
Name the learning/teaching or examination format to be developed. Describe the didactic concept on which your project is based. Name the intended learning objectives and competencies. How will competence-oriented development be ensured in your project?
Describe the concept for media or digital enrichment of learning, teaching or testing.
Transfer and utilization of the results
Information on transfer and utilization can be found at the bottom of the page.

Describe how the results of your project will be sustainably integrated into the curricula of existing or future study programs. Name the study programs.

How can the results of your project be prepared for further use by other teachers? What forms do you suggest for presenting and making your results available?
What transfer possibilities do you see for the results of your project in other areas of application and contexts? How can the results be used across universities?
Work and resource planning
Please describe the staff required at both universities below. If no staff member is yet assigned to the project, please enter E13/3. A maximum of 100% is possible for a project duration of 6 months and a maximum of 50% for a project duration of 12 months. If possible, the employment should take place in the following calendar year, ideally starting on January 1 at the earliest and ending on December 31.
The sum of all requested material resources may not exceed EUR 2,500. Funding for basic equipment is excluded.
Please upload the completed and signed endorsements from the participating universities here.

Important documents for your application.

Knowledge transfer and cooperation requests

It is important to us that your findings and results can be used by other teachers at Thuringian universities. We therefore ask you to think about the transfer to other contexts, other disciplines and other universities when planning your project. Find partners at other universities to test the transfer during the course of the project and benefit from the synergies.

The eTeach Network Thuringia supports you in your search for cross-university cooperation: By submitting an initial idea outline (1000 characters including spaces), your project, your contact details and your cooperation requests will be published on the eTeach website in order to facilitate exchange and networking. You are welcome to submit your idea sketch immediately via the contact address. It will then be published on this website by the eTeach coordination team.

These are our funded projects.

Projects in the 2025 funding round

The project "Immersive Media for Practical and Active Classroom Training" (IMPACT) is a joint project of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Broll of the Ilmenau University of Technology and of Prof. Dr. Ulf Sauerbrey of the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences. The aim is to develop and use immersive media and virtual reality (VR) technologies for practical and active learning in the classroom. The aim is to improve interaction in virtual classrooms and support teaching methods with modern VR technologies.

The project "Learning With Water: Between Land-Based Learning and E-Portfolio" between Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland from the Bauhaus University Weimar and Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is working on innovative approaches to imparting knowledge about water resources and their sustainable use. The aim is to combine traditional educational models with digital methods and to raise awareness of the interactions between ecological and social aspects of water. An approach is being pursued that integrates both land-based learning and the use of e-portfolios. This should enable learners to understand the importance of water not only as a resource, but as a central component of ecosystems and social structures.

The project "Analysis of the use of history education portals to promote practical relevance in computer science and history teaching studies" will be organized by the teachers Prof. Dr. Anke John from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Prof. Dr. Marcel Spehr is being carried out by the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences. The project investigates how digital history portals, such as the German Newspaper Portal or other digital collections, can be used in teacher training to strengthen the link between theory and practice. The aim is to familiarize future teachers with methodological approaches to using such portals for history lessons and to promote technological skills at the same time. There is a particular focus on the combination of computer science and history didactic elements in order to develop innovative and practice-oriented teaching methods.

The project ICF! - Inclusion and Collaboration for the Future! from Prof. Dr. Sandra Neumann from the University of Erfurt and Prof. Dr. Andreas Seidel from Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences aims to develop new approaches for inclusive educational processes and cooperation in educational institutions. It deals with the promotion of inclusive teaching strategies, supported by digital tools and methods to enable better collaboration between teachers, students and other stakeholders. The focus is on the creation of inclusive learning environments and the integration of modern technologies that promote diversity and participation.

Projects in the 2024 funding round

Topic: LogDesignBuild Suhl. Weak wood in the didactic-digital chain forest-design-build. Applicant: Prof. Frank Bauer, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. Cooperation partner: Junior Professor Dr. Thomas Pearce, Bauhaus University Weimar.

Topic: Oral history in the historical subjects; cooperation partners: Dr. Axel Doßmann (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and Dr. Agnès Arp, University of Erfurt.

Topic: Situated learning in social-virtual reality in teacher training. Applicant: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology. Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Gerd Mannhaupt, University of Erfurt.

Projects in the 2023 funding round

Topic: Transfer of a self-developed learning assessment of students to other technical Bachelor's degree courses at the University of Erfurt and the DHGE. Applicant: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Döbel, Gera-Eisenach Cooperative State UniversityCooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Waldemar Bauer, University of Erfurt

Topic: Consolidation of the Immersive Learning Platform Thuringia (ILT+) Applicant: Prof. Rolf Kruse, University of Applied Sciences ErfurtCooperation partner: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology

Topic: Silent Places - Safe Spaces: Space, Urbanity and Spirituality in a Transcultural Setting. Applicant: Prof. Dr. Katharina Waldner, University of ErfurtCooperation partner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Doris Gstach, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

Topic: GeViLab - Joint virtual laboratory visits for large-scale and special experiments. Applicant: Junior Professor Dr. Lars Abrahamczyk, Bauhaus University WeimarCooperation partner: Prof. Rolf Kruse, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

Topic: International Urban Design Hackathon - Exploring aesthetics of sustainability Collaboration of online urban design teaching and empirical communication research (STADTKOMM). Applicant: Dr. Steffen de Rudder, Bauhaus University WeimarCooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Jens Wolling, Ilmenau University of Technology.

Topic: Further development of the digital laboratory for usability in inter-university and interdisciplinary remote-based hybrid teaching. Applicant: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Falk Liebold, Gera-Eisenach Cooperative State UniversityCooperation partner: Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Karsten Henke, Ilmenau University of Technology.

Projects in the second funding round 2022

Topic: Concept and application (long-term goal app) to expand the practical experience with a choir in the curriculum and to build up additional targeted listening experience. Applicant: Prof. Juan Miguel Verdugo Garcia, Franz Liszt University of Music WeimarCooperation partner: Martin Bosch, University of Erfurt.

Topic: Development of moodle-based OER for media-related school development in the context of media pedagogical competence promotion in teacher training programs. Applicant: Prof. Dr. Sven Jöckel, University of Erfurt, cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Nils Berkemeyer, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Topic: Development and testing of interactive, digital methods for the holistic and interactive assessment of learning progress in technical subjects, Applicant: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Döbel, Gera-Eisenach Cooperative State University, Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Waldemar Bauer, University of Erfurt.

Topic: Cross-media integration of audiovisual archive holdings in transcultural music research: Innovative approaches to image and sound material to enrich university teaching scenarios Applicant: Prof. Dr. Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, Franz Liszt School of Music, Weimar, cooperation partner: Prof. Jakob Hüfner, Bauhaus University Weimar.

Projects of the first funding round 2022

Topic: Hybrid teaching and learning environment for virtual product development Applicant: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Husung, Ilmenau University of Technology, Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Folker Flüggen, Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.

Topic: Consolidation of the Immersive Learning Platform Thuringia (ILT+) Applicant: Prof. Rolf Kruse, University of Applied Sciences ErfurtCooperation partner: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology

Topic: Sacred spaces in Erfurt. Applicant: Prof. Dr. Katharina Waldner, University of Erfurt. Cooperation partners: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Doris Gstach, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and Dr. Silke Martin, University of Erfurt.

Topic: 360° Escape Rooms. Applicant: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Springer, Erfurt University of Applied Sciences. Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Londong, Bauhaus University Weimar

FAQ on applying for impulse projects

Question: Which university is the applicant university for cooperative applications between two universities?

Answer: Formally, there must be one applicant who, in the event of funding, is the contact person and project manager for the funded project. The same applies to cooperation projects. It is important to note that in the case of cross-university collaborations, half a position can be allocated per applicant or participating university.


QuestionCan my cooperation partner be a lecturer at a university outside Thuringia and can they then also apply for project funding?

Answer: Cooperation is always possible and desirable. However, the allocation of funds (personnel and material resources) within the framework of the eTeach impulse projects can only be made to full-time lecturers at Thuringian universities.


Question: Can a rejected application from a previous tender round be resubmitted in the same or a similar form?

Answer: Rejected applications can be resubmitted. If necessary, a revision with regard to formal, content-related and/or financial considerations must be ensured.

QuestionAre they limited to a maximum of € 2,500 per project or is the total budget € 15,000 for all projects and this is distributed as required?

Answer: The material funds are limited to € 2,500 per project. The material resources also include funds for student assistants.


Question: Can the personnel funds for additional positions be applied for or should the applicants primarily be given the opportunity to reduce their teaching load? If additional employees can be hired to work on the impulse projects, the question arises as to whether these positions must be filled at the beginning or during the course of the respective funding year.

Answer: The personnel funds can be used to change or increase the number of academic employees or to hire them. The expenditure of the funds is tied to yearly slices, which is why it is important that the funds are hired and spent in the same year for which they were approved.


Question: Should the project staff member also offer teaching as part of the project? And only in the context of testing the formats to be developed as part of the project?

Answer: The impulse projects are to be understood as an addendum. The practical implementation of the project can at least be tested in the context of teaching. Results should benefit learning, teaching and assessment as directly as possible. However, the idea is not to (co-)finance regular courses via the impulse projects. The results of the projects do not have to be so "polished" that they represent a completed teaching format. The result can also be a (self-contained) intermediate step, a prototype or part of a format or course, etc.


Question: Can I apply for material resources for student assistants?

Answer: Yes, this is possible. Please justify the need for funding in the application by outlining the main tasks of the student assistant. The tasks must make a clear contribution to the project. Under "Title", state the degree of the student assistant and the planned number of hours, e.g. "BA, 6 x 20h".


Question: Can special literature be purchased from the material resources or does this have to be done using the basic equipment of my university?

Answer: Yes, this is possible. The prerequisite is that the literature is not available elsewhere, e.g. via the university library. Its procurement should represent added value for the project and be conducive to the results.


Question: Up to which classification level can I apply for personnel funds?

Answer: Academic employees are assumed to be working on the projects, who are usually paid up to pay grade E13 according to TV-L. When applying for salary levels above this, the necessity must be explicitly justified. If necessary, the job share or duration must be adjusted in view of the available budget for each funding project. Please contact the coordinator in advance.


Question: How are the funded cooperation partners financed? Are funds passed on?

Answer: No, there is no transfer of funds. The contracts for the people to be hired are concluded with the university at which they will be working. The university initially pays the personnel costs in advance. The funds spent by the university are taken from the central funds of the eTeach network and reimbursed at a frequency that is practicable for the university (e.g. quarterly or half-yearly, or possibly only after the end of the contract period). A form provided for this process will be made available to the funding recipients. They are asked to forward this to the relevant accounting office. The contact points can help with this. The controller of the eTeach network, Anja Gehrcken, is available to answer detailed questions about the assumption of costs.


Question: How can staff positions be shared between the cooperation partners?

Answer: A maximum of one staff position per project can be funded for one year. The prerequisite for this is cross-university cooperation with two partners at one Thuringian university each. This means that you can apply for half a position per university for one year or one full position per university for half a year. If you are planning a cooperation with more than two cooperation partners, please contact the coordination office in advance.

Question: How are the submitted projects evaluated and selected?

Answer: An awards committee meets annually to assess and select suitable projects. It is made up of members of the Strategy Council. Following a preliminary review by the coordinator, the members of the award committee evaluate all formally approved applications in accordance with the funding criteria (see funding guidelines for impulse projects) and prepare a funding recommendation. The final decision on the funding of the projects then lies with the Strategy Council.


Question: To what extent is the funding, especially in the "Development and testing" funding line, also to be understood as start-up funding?

Answer: If the results of an impulse project are used to acquire subsequent development projects, then this is certainly in the interest of both parties. The impulse projects should not be used as start-up funding for the preparation of larger, subsequent projects. Funding line 3 "Development and testing" is intended as an opportunity for experimental designs, for unusual formats and for trying things out.

The focus here is on gaining knowledge on more fundamental issues. In general, the impulse projects are not to be understood as start-up funding. Projects should be worked on and completed within the approved funding period. The project applications and work plans must be designed in such a way that the project can be completed in the time requested.


Question: What formal reasons lead to the rejection of an application?

Answer: The eTeach Network Thuringia wants to enable innovation in learning, teaching and testing with its impulse projects. As few regulations as possible should stand in the way of this. However, some regulations are necessary for reasons of funding and public procurement law:

  1. The impulse projects provide for cooperation between at least two lecturers from different universities. The joint application must be stated in the application. Individual applications are not possible.
  2. Applications can be submitted by all full-time lecturers at Thuringian universities. This includes professors, academic staff with teaching duties and teaching staff with special duties (LfbA/LbA).
  3. Financial planning must be based on the given framework. This applies in particular to the use and scope of personnel resources and the use and scope of material resources.
  4. The application requires the approval of the university management. The signature of the university management is required for this.
  5. The form provided for download must be used for the application. If there are any problems with compatibility, please contact the coordinator so that a compatible format can be provided.
  6. The form is complete and all fields on the form must be completed in German as intended. If you are unsure about the questions asked, please contact the coordinator. The restrictions on the number of characters must be observed. The size of the form fields provides an orientation. Text that exceeds the visible area of the fields will not be taken into account during the assessment.
  7. The application must be submitted to the relevant contact point. The contact point is responsible for submitting the application.
  8. The application must be submitted by the deadline if funding is desired for the following year. The application deadline will be announced on the website. Applications received late can only be considered one year later in the next funding round.

Question: To what extent should applicants/funding recipients be involved and active in the network?

Answer: The results of the impulse projects are to be made available to all interested parties at Thuringian universities. To this end, the funded projects are asked to develop ideas for availability, processing and connectivity during the course of the project.

Ideally, the involvement of the beneficiaries should look like this:

  • Regular contact with the local eTeach contact point should be established. Regular means that the contact point is informed about the project and its progress.
  • The exchange between the grantees (usually two in the case of cooperative, cross-university impulse projects) and the respective contact points at the universities is initiated and coordinated by the contact points. Funding recipients are invited to approach the contact point or the coordination team if they have any questions or need support.
  • Funding recipients are requested to inform the contact point at their university about the status of the vacancy and the actual start of the project.
  • The status of the results must be reported to the network at least twice per 6-month funding phase and at least three times per 12-month funding phase. At the end of the project, the result(s) must be presented to the network.
  • Formats for this include the internal routine meetings of the coordination team and the contact points as well as formats such as the annual conference and Talks@eTeach.
  • The results reports and presentations are coordinated by the contact points. They invite the beneficiaries to the respective formats.


The contact points are requested:

  • ensure that the impulse projects are actively advertised and that teaching staff are invited to submit applications.
  • to provide technical (where possible) and organizational support for the funded projects once they have been approved. In the case of technical questions, this also includes referral to the network's employees, who can provide additional support.
  • to coordinate and implement active involvement (invitations to meetings and events) in the network.

Question: How can the results be used across universities within the eTeach network? What opportunities does the eTeach network Thuringia offer?

Answer: The possibilities for transfer and the provision of results depend on the respective project and its objectives. The eTeach Network Thuringia is open to proposals that enable transfer on the one hand and are easy for applicants to implement on the other. The application therefore asks for ideas for provision. The eTeach Network Thuringia will use the annual conference in particular as an opportunity to present the impulse projects and in this context to create points of contact for teachers at all Thuringian universities. In addition, workshops can be used to present results and introduce their use. A platform is currently being prepared to record examples of good practice and make them usable.


Question: Who writes the final report?

Answer: The final report is written by the beneficiaries. The contact points are welcome to provide support.

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences

Contact points

University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

Contact point

University of Erfurt

Contact point

Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar

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Bauhaus University Weimar

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