
Oliver Reis, University of Paderborn: "Courage and openness - how much of this can future university teaching really take?“ (Nov. 16, 9:15 am, Room 8.2.01 or >>>BB main stage) When it comes to the shape of a future-proof university, two ideas seem to go hand in hand: Digitalization and open learning environments. Future teaching and learning should become more flexible, accessible, dynamic, collaborative and interdisciplinary. It should be designed with its finger on the pulse, open to complex challenges - and all with the help of digital technology. The lecture will explore the question of whether university teaching can keep this promise and, if so, what this could mean for it. Dr.Dr. Oliver Reis, Professor of Catholic Religious Education/Inclusion at the University of Paderborn, has been studying the effects of academic reform and digitalization on university teaching since 2006. He studied elementary and secondary school teaching for Catholic theology and philosophy and completed his doctorate on sustainable development and competence orientation as a driver of the Bologna reform. He was a substitute professor for practical theology at the University of Siegen and Dortmund before being appointed to the University of Paderborn in 2016.
Contact: olreis[at]

Ludwig Schenk, Former Student Vice President at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences: Taking student participation further: "Students in university management!" (15.11., 9.20 a.m., Room 8.2.01 or via livestream) Ludwig Schenk is in his 7th semester studying Cultural Work at the FH Potsdam. Since 2021, he has been involved in committees at his university, such as the StuRa, the AStA and the Senate. In 2022, he was elected student vice president by his student body and was therefore a member of his university's executive board for one year. Ludwig Schenk was also involved in the Brandenburg Student Council (BRANDSTUVE), where he held the position of spokesperson for one and a half years.
Contact: ludwig.schenk[at]

Steffen Riedl, Vice President for Studies and Teaching at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (Nov. 15, 1 p.m, Room 8.2.01 and livestream)
Contact: vp-sl[at]

Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel, Managing Director of the eTeach Network Thuringia (11/16, 9:00 am, Room 8.2.01 and livestream)

Sebastian Metag, Managing Director of the eTeach Network Thuringia (17.11., 1 p.m., stage in the foyer and livestream) Sebastian Metag graduated from the Technical University of Ilmenau in 2007 with a degree in media technology. He took up a position as a research assistant at the Institute for Media Technology in Ilmenau and taught subjects including software ergonomics, multimedia tools and scientific work. He planned seminars, exercises and lectures and was involved in the design of the Master's degree course in Media Technology. He was also involved in providing study information at events and trade fairs throughout Germany. In 2012, Sebastian Metag took his passion for teaching and designing study programs into his work as a course development officer and later as a project coordinator for university-wide development projects at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In addition to the innovation of the undergraduate degree program, the development of part-time degree programs was also on the agenda there. He accompanied the development of the eTeach network Thuringia from the very beginning and was involved in the application for the restart of the network. In 2021, Sebastian Metag took over the role of Managing Director and has since dedicated himself to cooperation and the strategic development of the network.
Opening Talk

Simon Frisch, Vice President for Studies and Teaching at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (15.11., 13.20, Room 8.2.01 and livestream) Dr. Simon Frisch has been a lecturer in Film and Media Studies at the Faculty of Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar since 2012 and has been Head of Media Studies since 2020. In 2022/23 he was Dean of Studies in the faculty management, and since June 7, 2023 Frisch has been Vice President for Teaching and Learning. Simon Frisch studied cultural education in Hildesheim, majoring in fine arts, literature/theater/media and philosophy. After his studies, he completed a doctorate on the French Nouvelle Vague in film. Since 1999, he has been continuously teaching in media studies and art courses, as well as freelancing in the fields of visual arts, theater and exhibitions. Since 2022, Frisch has been working with artistic collaborators to develop the Bauhaus Media Stage Lab at the Faculty of Media into a laboratory for learning and teaching. Secondly, Frisch's attention is focused on the articulation form of verbal or verbal-written expression (writing), as a central competence in all disciplines at the university. Beyond verbal writing, he is also interested in writing practices in a broader sense, which can be found in auditory, visual and audiovisual recording and distribution media. In the summer of 2023, Simon Frisch and the poet Nancy Hünger founded the "Laboratory for Experimental Authorship Tübingen-Weimar" ("lea [ˈleːa]").
Contact: simon.frisch[at]

Britta Leusing, KI Campus (Nov. 15, 4:30 pm, Room 8.2.01 or via livestream) Britta Leusing is deputy office manager of the AI Campus at the Stifterverband Berlin. She holds a doctorate in business administration and is responsible for the development of the regional hubs, particularly in Heilbronn, and the community area. Her main areas of work and interest range from academic franchising and the regional economic effects of universities to tech qualifications in higher education and the world of work.
Contact: Britta.Leusing[at]

Florens Förster, Digital Change Maker Initiative of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (15.11., 13.20, Room 8.2.01 and livestream) Florens Förster is studying applied geography at RWTH Aachen University. Through his experience in student council and committee work, networking at the Federal Geography Student Council Conference (GeoDACH e. V.) and his work as a student reviewer in the accreditation system, he has gained a lot of experience and insight into the requirements and challenges of teaching. In the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, he is a digital changemaker with the aim of ensuring that the digitalization of teaching is not a challenge, but an opportunity. His main areas of interest are the teaching of future skills and how teaching can be designed in a participatory and application-oriented way.
Contact: flo[at]

Jonathan Schäfer, Speaker of the Thuringian Student Union Conference(15.11., 13.20, Room 8.2.01 and livestream) Jonathan Schäfer studied Mathematics at Friedrich Schiller University and is currently working on his Master's thesis in Computational and Data Science. He has been active in university politics since his first semester and has already been on various committees at Friedrich Schiller University and the board of the student council. He is currently Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Board of Studierendenwerk Thüringen and has also been spokesperson for the Thuringian Student Union Conference since 2021.

Johanna Weidlich, Former spokesperson of the Bavarian State Student Council (15.11., 13.20, Room 8.2.01 and livestream) Johanna Weidlich studied industrial engineering and applied research with a focus on heat pumps at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences from 2017-2023. From 2019, she was part of the student representation there and, among other things, was Chair of the Convention in 2020 and Chair of the Student Council in 2021/22 and a member of the internal accreditation commission. She was active at state level from 2020 and was one of three spokespersons for the Bavarian State Student Representation (LAK Bayern) from 2021-2023. During this time, the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG) was also negotiated in Bavaria, which is intended to give universities more creative freedom. The State Students' Representation made a significant contribution to the process through statements and hearings. Sustainability and climate protection were thus established as one of the main tasks for universities and student co-determination rights were strengthened. The technical and didactic possibilities of digital teaching were also given a legal framework.
Contact: johanna.weidlich[at]
Event moderation

Nicole Baron, eTeach contact point at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (15. & 16.11. Room 8.2.01 and livestream) An architect by training and an urban researcher with a doctorate, she is enthusiastic about technically and didactically innovative teaching and is our link to the University of Weimar. She will be responsible for the overall moderation of the 2023 annual conference and will support the office in ensuring that the event runs smoothly. With her calm and positive manner, she will guide the participants through the day's program in a motivated manner.
Contact: nicole.baron[at]