
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in university teaching offers enormous potential and at the same time poses considerable challenges. In the eTeach network, these developments are of great importance for the further training of teachers and the exchange with experts in Thuringia and throughout Germany.

Who is the AI training program designed for?

  • Do you teach at a university* or a university of cooperative education?
  • Would you like to find out how you can use artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly in your teaching?
  • Would you like to teach your students how to use AI competently?

Then our AI training course is the right event for you.

* In the event of overbooking, lecturers from Thuringian universities are prioritized

What prior knowledge is required?

Previous knowledge is not required.

Our AI training in brief

What content is taught in AI training?

On 24.03.2025

What is it about?

In this event, we will introduce you to the topic of AI and a selection of different AI tools based on our "Prompting Station" project.
You will learn to familiarize yourself with these tools and try out possible application scenarios. Here is a brief insight into what we will be working with: Leonardo AI, Keenious, Perplexity AI and others.

It is also important to us that we continue AI training as practical as possible We would be happy to discuss questions and ideas from specific areas of work with you, with the opportunity to share these with each other. You are welcome to bring along specific questions or didactic scenarios that are of interest to you in your day-to-day teaching.

Learning objectives Fundamentals of AI:

The participants

  • understand the basics of AI and get to know tools such as Leonardo AI, Keenious and Perplexity AI.
  • learn the basic operation and functions of the AI tools presented.
  • try out application scenarios of the AI tools and work on them practically to consolidate what they have learned.
  • develop solutions for didactic use
  • of AI tools in their own teaching or work context.


  • Zaryab Chaudhry

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On 25.03.2025

What is it about?

This part of the AI training course offers an insight into the legal basis in the use of generative AI in university teaching.

The aim is to sensitize participants to legal grey areas and to show them legally compliant solutions for the creation and subsequent use of AI-generated content using practical application examples (ChatGPT).

No special prior knowledge required.

  • Gianni Buršić

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On 26.03.2025

What is it about?

In this part of the AI training course, you will receive a comprehensive overview of the far-reaching changes brought about by the application of AI in the university context.
We shed light on the adaptation of learning content and didactics, the changing roles of teachers and students and the implications for higher education policy. We also present a wide range of support services.

In order to make the potential and challenges of AI in teaching tangible, we work with concrete examples and practical exercises. You will gain insights into innovative teaching and learning methods and learn how AI can contribute to the individualization of learning, for example. We will also provide insights into ethical and social issues.

The aim of the event is to provide you with practical tools and strategies that you can use to successfully integrate AI into your own teaching and learning practice.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants can...

  • Identify the potential and challenges of AI in university teaching.
  • find suitable offers of help with AI.
  • name how AI can be used as a learning content and didactic tool.
  • to summarize changes in the understanding of roles and university didactics.
  • explain the principles of transparency and orientation and transfer them to their context with the help of an application exercise.
  • Dr. Nicole Baron

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On 27.03.2025

What is it about?

In this session, you will learn how AI can serve as a transformative tool for course and lesson planning. Participants will learn about AI platforms already in use by the eTeach network and how they can streamline the course and lesson planning process.

Using practical examples and exercises, participants will explore these tools and develop their own course modules and lesson plans, including Strategies such as curriculum adaptation, writing lesson objectives, personalization, activity suggestions and planning templates integrate. They will reflect on the process and evaluate the impact of AI on their own teaching and learning context.

Learning objectives

After completing the course, participants will be able to

  • Recognize AI tools that support the course and lesson planning process.
  • Implement AI-based strategies to create course modules and lesson plans.
  • Evaluate the benefits and challenges of integrating AI into course and lesson planning.
  • explore opportunities for the further integration of AI technologies in their own teaching and learning context.
  • Larissa Barth

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On 28.03.2025

What is it about?

In this part of the AI training course, university lecturers are introduced to the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the design of formative examination formats.

The focus here is on the use of AI for Improvement of tasks, for the coordination of learning objectives and examination tasks and for their grading. Participants will be enabled to critically analyze and creatively develop their own examination formats or to design completely new examination formats. The course consists of a combination of lecture, exchange of experiences and a practical exercise.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants will be able to...

  • optimize exam tasks and solutions: Participants can analyze existing exam tasks with the help of AI and optimize them in terms of quality and accuracy of fit.
  • Adapt examination tasks to the learning objectives: Participants are able to align learning objectives and exam tasks using AI and ensure that the exams actually cover the intended learning objectives.
  • classify examination tasks: Participants can categorize examination tasks into a suitable taxonomy and thus specifically control the cognitive challenge of the tasks.
  • Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel

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On 03.04.2025

What is it about?

In this event, we present a carefully curated list of different AI tools.

These tools are not only useful in the university context, but are also used in many other areas of work. The subject areas of the tools presented include Text generation, translation, grammar check and research.

The aim of the training is to give participants the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the various AI tools and learn about their potential.

By exploring the list together, new perspectives on the possible applications of AI tools will be opened up. In addition, the workshop offers space for discussions, the exchange of personal experiences and recommendations.

Learning objectives

During the event, the participants will...

  • gain new perspectives on the use and potential of AI tools.
  • exchange and discuss their own experiences and recommendations on AI tools.
  • Zaryab Chaudhry

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On 04.10.2025

What is it about?

How can AI tools help students to learn better?

In this workshop, you will learn how you can use ChatGPT as a learning buddy with suitable prompts. Discover the different roles in which AI can support learning and discuss potentials, questions and limitations together.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants will be able to... understand how AI tools can be used to support learning.

...create suitable prompts to use ChatGPT as a learning aid. assess the limits of AI support.


Ludwig Lorenz


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On 24.04.2025

What is it about?

In this part of the AI training course, you will learn how you can use AI to support research and reading processes in your course.

You will learn about a selection of useful AI tools for scientific research and reading specialist literature.

By hand concrete application scenarios Learn how to guide your students in the responsible use of AI for research and reading.

After a practice-oriented input This is followed by a joint trial phase in which you apply the tools and methods presented directly and explore their benefits in a scientific context.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants will be able to...

  • identify suitable AI tools to support scientific research and reading.
  • use AI tools as research and reading assistance.
  • to accompany students in the use of AI tools as research and reading assistance.
  • Larissa Barth
  • Dr. Franziska Matthes

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On 08.05.2025

What is it about?

The event is aimed at teachers and offers a Insight into the challenges of audit law in the admission or integration of generative AI in university examinations.


  • Raising awareness of audit law principles in the context of generative AI
  • Identification of legally compliant implementation options and framework conditions
  • Options for labeling and documenting generative AI in tests
  • Discussion Dealing with suspected cases


Learning objectives

The aim is to raise participants' awareness and impart knowledge on the legally compliant design of the audit framework for all participants.

  • Gianni Buršić

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On 05.06.2025

What is it about?

In this part of the AI training course, you will learn how you can use AI to support academic writing in your course. You will learn about a selection of useful AI tools and prompts that are helpful when writing academic texts. Using concrete application scenarios, you will learn how to use your Students in the responsible use of AI for writing scientific papers can accompany you.

A practice-oriented input is followed by a joint trial phase in which you apply the tools and methods presented directly and explore their benefits in a scientific context.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants will be able to...

  • identify suitable AI tools to support academic writing.
  • Use AI tools as a writing assistant.
  • to support students in using text-generating AI to write scientific texts.
  • Larissa Barth
  • Dr. Franziska Matthes

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On 12.06.2025

What is it about?

In this event you will learn how to AI tools for the creation of teaching and learning materials can use. You will get to know a selection of useful AI tools:

  • Leonardo AI for the creation of images and moving images
  • Gamma AI for the creation of presentations
  • Descript for recording and editing educational videos and audios.

Specific application scenarios will give you an insight into the effective use of these tools.

A practice-oriented input is followed by a joint trial phase in which you can apply the tools and methods presented directly to your teaching context.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants can...

  • identify helpful AI tools for creating teaching and learning materials.
  • use the AI tools presented to effectively design their teaching materials.
  • develop specific application scenarios and use the AI tools presented in a practical way in their own teaching context.
  • Larissa Barth
  • Zaryab Chaudhry

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What is it about?

This workshop will teach how AI can serve as a tool for the various forms of feedback and grading processes in the context of diagnostic, formative and summative assessments. Participants will be familiarized with practical examples of AI platforms already in use by the eTeach network, and test their ability to generate objective and consistent feedbackto create assessment scales and rubrics and streamline the assessment process overall. Participants will reflect on the process and evaluate the impact of AI on their own teaching and learning context.

Learning objectives

At the end of the event, participants can...

  • Identify AI tools that can streamline the grading process for diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.
  • Use AI-based grading systems to create feedback, grading scales and rubrics.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of AI in improving feedback quality and grading accuracy.
  • discuss ethical considerations and challenges of integrating AI into feedback and grading practices.
  • T.b.a

Who is the organizer of the AI training?

The free KI training is provided by the eTeach Network Thuringia offered.

The eTeach Network Thuringia is an association of state colleges and universities in Thuringia for the cooperative further development of digitally enriched university teaching.

Who are the speakers?

  • Zaryab Chaudhry, eTeach Network Thuringia
  • Svea Benett, eTeach Network Thuringia
  • Uwe Cämmerer-Seibel, eTeach Network Thuringia
  • Dr. Nicole Baron, Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Dr. Franziska Matthes, Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Larissa Barth, Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Ludwig Lorenz, Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Gianni Buršić, Ernst Abbe University Jena

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences

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