Qualification courses

The eTeach courses are aimed at teachers at Thuringian universities and other interested parties who would like to learn more about media-enhanced teaching, learning and assessment. The 2024 course portfolio revolves around fundamental knowledge and application-related scenarios of digital teaching, especially on the topic of artificial intelligence.

The courses are free of charge and take place in person, online or hybrid. Once you have registered, you will be informed of all further course details.

With the eTeach course program, we offer a thematic spectrum that is divided into three areas of competence: In the area of Basics deals with theoretical, conceptual and legal basics for media-enriched teaching, learning and testing, which are an important foundation for well-structured, data-secure and didactically meaningful, media-related courses. The area Media-related skills includes courses that deal explicitly with media-enriched applications and settings in teaching. In addition to teaching, the main focus is on testing and adapting to individual teaching and learning settings. In the area of Personal skills and contexts focuses on the individual, social and socially relevant framework conditions of teaching, learning and testing. Core target group of the eTeach courses are lecturers at Thuringian universities. We also welcome participants who work in competence centers and service areas as well as professors and newly appointed professors at Thuringian universities.

The eTeach courses take place in presence, hybrid or online (conference platform BigBlueButton). You will receive the relevant information via the course description or in advance of the event. We endeavor to meet the possibilities of our lecturers and the needs of the participants and act flexibly as required. You will ALWAYS be informed in advance of any changes to the venue. The courses are planned as half-day courses or 90-minute events and may be accompanied by a Moodle room, in which you will be automatically enrolled upon participation. All courses are concluded with an evaluation at the end, which you can use to leave feedback on the event.

On the course page, all courses are first displayed in the overview. You have the option of making a selection via the three subject areas (Basics of university and media didactics, Media-related skills, Personal skills and Contexts). In addition, a full text search is possible via the free field. You can always return to the overview page via the "All offers" tab. At the bottom of the website you will also find a calendar in which all course dates are listed and can be selected directly.

The eTeach courses are free of charge for all participants and can be booked via the respective course description. We use a new event management system that makes it easier for us to coordinate bookings and communicate with you.* The respective course description provides you with information on the objectives and content of the course as well as the expected prerequisites, required materials and the lecturers themselves. In addition, it is noted whether there are still places available and on which date the registration deadline has been set.

After registering for a course, you will receive an e-mail with your user name and password. This access data allows you to log in to the event management system and find out which courses you have registered for, which courses you have already attended, etc.

If you are unable to attend a course, please cancel in good time via the event tool so that interested participants on the waiting list can automatically move up.

*If you notice any error messages or similar, please let us know. >>> by e-mail.

Create interactive learning content with H5P

Create interactive learning content with H5P

Objective: In this course, participants will learn how to create interactive learning content (e.g. interactive graphics, interactive videos with knowledge and opinion polls, etc.) with H5P in Moo

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OER - Licensing of free educational materials

OER - Licensing of free educational materials

Objective: The workshop provides teachers and other interested parties with information on the licensing of open educational resources (OER). Furthermore, the process of licensing in individual sc

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Feedback in teaching using the example of Moodle

Feedback in teaching using the example of Moodle

Objective: Feedback is one of the most effective tools for supporting and motivating students, especially if it is used continuously throughout the semester. How to use S

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Create interactive learning content with H5P

Create interactive learning content with H5P

Objective: In this course, participants will learn how to create interactive learning content (e.g. interactive graphics, interactive videos with knowledge and opinion polls, etc.) with H5P in Moo

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Tasks with Moodle (paperless submissions and corrections)

Tasks with Moodle (paperless submissions and corrections)

Objective: The course deepens media-enriched teaching via the Moodle learning platform and focuses on the area of assignments and submissions as well as related communication processes. The aim is

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