Our work routines

On March 6 and 7, 2024, the internal retreat for all employees of the eTeach Network Thuringia took place at the Zinzendorfhaus Neudietendorf. The first day was used to define key areas of work for 2024, define sub-projects and assign specific responsibilities. The eTeach contact points, specialist units and management will work on the topics of artificial intelligence, learning platforms (Moodle & Co.), testing and digital literacy / media skills in the future and in coordination with the Academic Management and the Strategy Council. The results will be bundled in event and qualification formats as well as in handouts, best practice examples and documentation and communicated via the eTeach website and newsletter.

The second day focused on developments in the field of artificial intelligence. The participants received thematic input from Johannes Scholl, AI Lab Manager at the Center for Applied AI and Transfer (AN[ki]T) Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. Simon Frisch, Vice President for Teaching and Learning at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, took part in the subsequent exchange on teaching-related developments as well as ethical and commercial challenges. Finally, there was the opportunity to try out an AI application and discuss its use at Thuringian universities.

If you would like to gain more insight into our work or get involved in specific topics, please get in touch with the coordination team or the eTeach contact point at your university! >>> to the contacts

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