
For integration into courses and didactic scenarios, we test digital set-ups, describe usage scenarios and enable you to try out and experiment on your own via free rental. We are at your disposal with our expertise as well as with personnel resources and accompany your trial phases. The mobile eStudio and the network's prompting station are currently available for hire. We also deal with tools for digital testing, among other things.

With the mobile eStudio of the eTeach network Thuringia, teachers and students can try out technical settings, develop didactic application scenarios for their media-enriched teaching and receive support in the implementation of their videos. >>> more about the studio

In the eTeach network, we deal with the challenges and potential of artificial intelligence in university teaching on a thematic level and provide a practical and creative tool in the form of the prompting station. >>> more about the prompting station

The need for hybrid teaching and learning settings has become established in educational processes. This involves technical set-ups, but above all also methodological-didactic, legal and role-specific adaptations in teaching and learning situations.

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences

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University of Applied Sciences Erfurt

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University of Erfurt

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Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar

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Bauhaus University Weimar

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