Café Aqua

The Aquarium student café was founded in 1999 as a communication center for networking between the student councils, students and professors and has been a popular meeting place for students at Erfurt UAS ever since. Gradually, the student café developed into what it is today: a varied location for people interested in music and sociable people. The café sees itself not only as a place to unwind and relax, but also as a platform for student ideas and projects. There have already been photo evenings, lecture series, workshops and more. If you are interested in organizing cool events at Aqua or even becoming an "Aqua" member or just having a drink, you are very welcome at "Café Aqua" (room 11.E.30)! With the support of the student café team, we organize and plan events and take care of everything organizational.

Info and contact via >>> the website

The Core: "Concert in a Global Virtual Acoustic Space"

"The Core" is a group of 6 musicians who - spread across two continents - play experimental music in a network. The project was born in the first weeks of the pandemic, when there was no other way to make music together. Various people from different parts of the world came together in weekly online concerts over several years. The Core has been a part of this since the first sessions, the core, so to speak, with musicians from the USA and Europe. Even after the pandemic, they are using the technical resources they have developed and their shared experience to perform worldwide via the network. For the sophisticated network audio connection, the group relies on JackTrip software, which was developed by its members at the CCRMA in Stanford and is used worldwide in research, teaching and performances. In addition, there is further customized software that also creates an immersive sound experience for the audience. Even if various composition concepts have been tested, improvisation is generally used. A shared musical space is created across distances of thousands of kilometers - and the audience is right in the middle of it. The Core are: Constantin Basica (Stanford, CA: Keys & Electronics) +++ Chris Chafe (Woodside, CA: Celetto) +++ Henrik von Coler (*: Synth, Synth, Electronics) +++ Fernando Lopez-Lezcano (San Carlos, CA: Modular Synth) +++ Juan Parra (Ghent, BE: Guitar & Synth) +++ Klaus Scheuermann (Berlin, DE: Synth & Modular). Picture: Edgar Hartung

Contact: voncoler[at]

Lillie Elisabeth Sörries | Picture floods

Lilli Elisabeth Sörries is in the 3rd semester of her visual communication studies at Bauhaus University. Her installation, "TikToxic", is a walk-in experience with auditory elements that deals with the aspects of toxic multitasking and visual attention. The basis for this project is a two-hour self-observation of her cell phone consumption, documented by screenshots. In the midst of constant distraction by digital content, she attempts to develop a reflective approach to this topic. At the same time, the installation is intended to draw attention to the excessive consumption of social media and the dwindling attention span of the young generation. "TikToxic" represents a response to the challenges of a reality shaped by digital content.

Contact: lilli.elisabeth.soerries[at]

Technical support

The Media Technology Service (MTS) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is responsible for the operation of the central lecture halls and seminar rooms. Its responsibilities include planning and equipping central lecture halls and seminar rooms, standardizing media technology, operation and maintenance, and supporting the planning and preparation of events. The MTS helps you to organize the technical aspects of your event. In doing so, we look for simple, uncomplicated and promising solutions. Thank you very much for the technical support for the eTeach Annual Conference 2023!

Contact: about the >>> Website or by e-mail: mts[at]


Ludwig Finster, eTeach contact point at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences: Ludwig Finster has been the contact point at Erfurt UAS for the eTeach network in Thuringia since May 2021 and has also been working in the area of quality reporting/evaluations at Erfurt UAS since October 2023. He has a Master's degree in "Continuing Education and Educational Technology" - from 2013 to 2016 he already worked as an employee at the UAS Erfurt, responsible for quality work in the faculties in the former Quality Pact for Teaching project. Between 2016 and 2021, he initially worked at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences in curricular management (including evidence-based further development of study programs) and later at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences for the implementation of the "INNOmobile" in the "Innovative University" project. He used both qualitative and quantitative methods for the data and decision-making basis in both activities. Contact: ludwig.finster[at]

Iren Schulz, Qualification and Communication Unit in the eTeach Network Thuringia: In the eTeach network coordination team, Iren is responsible for organizing the qualification programme and also takes care of network events. For the annual conference, she was primarily responsible for communication, website and social media as well as program design. The hybrid implementation of this year's event, the division into a trade fair and conference day and the organization of contributors and participants caused a few drops of sweat for Iren. But we are sure - everything will be fine in the end! Contact: iren.schulz[at]

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