
Setting the course at the eTeach retreat

In the special atmosphere of the Augstiner monastery, we held intensive discussions and set the course for this year. The focus...


KI@eTeach 2025

Teachers at Thuringian universities are given the opportunity to intensively familiarize themselves with the use of artificial intelligence in a variety of further education...


The 2025 funding round is set

Exciting projects for media-supported teaching and learning were once again submitted in 2024. Four cooperative impulse projects and twelve...


Prompt-a-thon on the topic of Future City

Last Friday, neudeli, the start-up workshop of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, hosted an extraordinary prompt-a-thon on the topic of "Future City". About...


Impulses for the Day of Teaching at the HfM Weimar

The Teaching Day at the HfM Weimar offered exciting insights into the growing role of digital innovations and AI in...


Short report eTeach annual conference

Two intensive days are behind us and it was fun to meet so many different people with their projects and perspectives.


Funding for AI offerings

Thanks to our cooperation in the network of state institutions, we were able to acquire funding from the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education....


Networking day at the University of St. Gallen

How are other universities shaping the digital transformation? What challenges do they face in developing sustainable learning spaces?


On a deep dive with Midjourney

Two intensive workshop days with the Midjourney image AI machine under the guidance of graduate media designer and AI trainer Jan Gericke have shown what is possible with this...


talks@eTeach: Working collaboratively with AI

This session will explore the role of AI as a tool to support collaboration in education, with a focus on...


KI@eTeach intensive week

Are you a lecturer at one of Thuringia's universities and would like to learn how to use artificial intelligence (AI) responsibly in your teaching?


Generative image AI in teaching (places still available)

The two-day workshop is aimed at teachers with advanced knowledge in the field of generative image AI and aims to provide deeper insights into the...


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