With the mind map for planting

Wolfgang Borchardt
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The planning of a planting follows an algorithm that provides for a procedure from the rough to the detailed. This process can be supported by a mind map.

The mind map helps students to derive ideas and concepts based on a central theme or vision and to pursue them in detail. The form of visualisation not only reflects mental processes, it also supports the consistent pursuit of ideas and stimulates creativity when delving into details.

Ideally, a planting plan is created in the mind map. It is conceivable that alternatives become recognisable and are available for discussion with the teacher and/or client.



General conditions

Working with mind maps can be used in all types of courses and in self-study.


Mindmaps are a simple way of putting ideas on paper in a clear way and making structures recognisable. They allow ideas to be created, added to and branched out freely. Provided with small pictures, symbols and coloured markings, they are a reflection of human thoughts and support the retention of information and its structure.

Mind maps are an easy way to approach complex issues in particular.

The ability to use mind maps can help students in many other situations during their studies and later in their careers.



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