Flipped-Classroom - Basics of Sociology in Social Work (Inspire)

Flipped-Classroom - Basics of Sociology in Social Work." Created with DALL-E, OpenAI, on 7 January 2025, used with kind permission
Prof Dr Felix Wilke
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The basics of various related disciplines are taught at the beginning of the social work degree programme. Among other things, students are familiarised with sociological issues, learn theoretical concepts and apply these to practical issues in various fields of social work. The flipped classroom concept is used to impart knowledge and apply it asynchronously. In preparation for each seminar session, students acquire knowledge in the form of a learning video.



  • Imparting basic knowledge of relevant sociological theories;
  • Ability to apply to fields of action in social work;
  • Recognising and articulating comprehension problems
  • Presentation and argumentative defence of own considerations


The full description of the concept can be found on the Websites of the Inspire Project of the EAH-Jena.

General conditions

Time frame: 90 min



Christian Spannagel explains why he uses Flipped Classroom and presents challenges and solutions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0xTXGahEus

Zickwolf, K., Kauffeld, S. (2019). Inverted classroom. In: Kauffeld, S., Othmer, J. (eds) Handbuch Innovative Lehre. Springer, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-22797-5_2


Article imageFlipped-Classroom - Basics of Sociology in Social Work." Created with DALL-E, OpenAI, on 7 January 2025, used with kind permission.

The complete description of the concept can be found on the Websites of the Inspire project of the EAH Hena.

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