Schlagwort: Aktivierung

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Teaching events are places for intensive encounters and discussions. If an open and creative discourse is to be facilitated and promoted, it requires a good knowledge of the other participants: the teacher and the students (see also the teaching concept "Call by name"). An easy and ...

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This method, known as a "sociogram" or "line-up", is an agile way of getting to know each other. Following certain questions, students position themselves on imaginary or sketched axes in the room. One axis can be used for a one-dimensional categorisation (line-up). Examples ...

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Small incentive systems give student tasks a playful touch. Competition with each other also promotes creativity and the quality of the results. It is therefore advisable to organise an awards ceremony at the end of a project. Various categories can be defined in which prizes are awarded. ...

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Trotzdem sich Studierende meist schon länger kennen und Lehrveranstaltungen in vertrauten Gruppen besuchen, bleiben Antworten auf spontan an das Plenum gestellte Fragen des Lehrenden oft aus. Zu groß ist die Befürchtung einer Blamage, die Bedenken, die eigene Meinung zu äußern ...

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Um Studierenden die Aktualität der gerade zu behandelnden Themen darzustellen und gleichzeitig einen aktivierenden Einstieg in eine Lehrveranstaltung zu finden, bietet sich die Bezugnahme zu fachbezogenen Themen aus der Presse an (Bsp.: Neues aus dem Drogenkrieg in Mexico). Anhand der ...

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A method such as the following can help to actively engage with topics, even comparatively large subject areas and amounts of material. Also known as the "Market of Possibilities" (similar to the teaching concept "The learning exhibition as a topic repository"), group work is staged to develop ...

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Selection of topics