In principle, station work is also recommended during the semester so that the instructor can assess the students' level of knowledge and to make it easier to determine the content of the following exercise units.
...If students are given more complex tasks, it is advisable to divide them into groups and have them work on tasks in small groups. They should also be able to prepare and present the results in the group. The group offers the individual ...
If a question is directed at an individual student, reactions can be observed similar to those of prey in the face of the hunter. Students fall into a state of shock or react too strongly and not very effectively. Questions should therefore always be addressed to at least ...
Case studies are not only suitable as a basis for calculating economic issues. Students can also learn to critically evaluate the underlying data, the way it is collected and analysed. When working on case studies in small groups of two to ...
The need for students to practise and learn free presentation and discussion on the one hand and critical reflection on such performances on the other gave rise to the idea of developing assessment schemes for presentations by students. Within the course ...
A method such as the following can help to actively engage with topics, even comparatively large subject areas and amounts of material. Also known as the "Market of Possibilities" (similar to the teaching concept "The learning exhibition as a topic repository"), group work is staged to develop ...
Especially in large groups of students, for example in lectures, it is difficult to get structured feedback on questions. When questions are put to the whole group, there are often reservations about speaking in public. Even if these are overcome by individuals, ...