Teachers can offer an interesting and motivating introduction to the course, especially if they come from a practical or application-oriented environment and these applications are related to the students' subject. Example: With the help of images from real ...
In order to familiarise students with the principles of programming, they should be given the opportunity to implement examples themselves. In this concept, this idea is consistently pursued right up to the examination. Based on a specialised case (example: warehouse management, container port and other logistics topics) ...
Lectures can only describe complex processes, workflows and responsibilities in an exemplary manner. Such explanations only become vivid and lively through a visit on site. Visits to businesses and companies give an impression of how the processes described in theory ...
The transfer of theoretical knowledge from a lecture into a practical, problem-based situation is one of the challenges of a university of applied sciences education. In order to encourage students to work on real and current problems from the practice of spatial and regional planning or regional management, the ...
The presentation and discussion of case studies gives students an insight into practice. By examining cases from different perspectives, students gain an impression of different job profiles, their typical tasks, motivations and significance for the (economic) system. In this ...
The method of changing perspective helps students to visualise their future tasks (e.g. as planners). In this case, however, it is not only carried out mentally, but is transformed into a realistic simulation using aids, making it particularly impressive. Students ...
If students can relate to an application or a project, their interest and motivation often increase. If they can then be part of a research project and familiarise themselves with and use innovative technologies, interesting opportunities arise ...
It is typical for law students to work on cases. If a connection can be made to the students' lifeworld, i.e. if they are personally affected, a higher level of sensitivity and a deeper understanding can be achieved. In lectures and ...