Students not only have the opportunity to carry out software-supported calculations, they also learn how to use software that is typical for the industry. They gain an impression of the essential work steps and processes and master simple calculations (e.g. postings) with ...
The control of material flows in production quickly becomes a complex system that is difficult to calculate as the volume increases. This is where appropriate simulation tools can help. Knowledge of calculations and their transfer to suitable simulation tools is an important skill for students of transport engineering.
In order to familiarise students with the principles of programming, they should be given the opportunity to implement examples themselves. In this concept, this idea is consistently pursued right up to the examination. Based on a specialised case (example: warehouse management, container port and other logistics topics) ...
If it is possible or even necessary to directly combine lectures with the practical application of the acquired knowledge, this offers the opportunity to organise courses flexibly. In addition, this constellation enables the transfer of theoretical knowledge into application skills. ...