Schlagwort: Prüfungsformate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The distribution areas of Central European tree species are an important but complex part of the teaching of silviculture. With the help of a multiple choice test, students can familiarise themselves in depth with the tree species and practise their distribution areas. ...

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Role-playing and its advantages are already described in the didactic design pattern "Role-playing instead of lectures" and will be illustrated here by a variation in the application. In a course focussed on the training of communication in the context of urban and spatial planning, role-playing offers ...

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Examination requirements are often only announced shortly before the examination, so that students are left floating in a "vacuum" throughout the semester. The short-term announcement requires a re-evaluation of the entire learning material under the premises of the examination and thus additionally increases the ...

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Examination situations, especially oral examinations, often put students under pressure. Students can also have the feeling that examiners are somewhat arbitrary when examiners formulate their questions with their subjective and individual view of the examination topic. These problems ...

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In courses where presentations / PowerPoint slides are used, students often have to deal with a large total number of slides at the end of the semester. Especially in courses that mature and are developed over years, slide sets with hundreds of slides are created.

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Lectures, in which students prepare the material of the last course and prepare and present parts of the material of the current course, can be used to conduct examinations that fulfil the requirements of an examination in various respects. Students are given the ...

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Students are given the opportunity to plan a house from various points of view, such as thermal insulation, moisture protection, sound insulation and the Energy Saving Ordinance. They draw on theoretical knowledge from the previous semester and apply this to a specific example in a seminar.

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