Arguing for the sake of learning

Antje Simon
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In a course on academic work, staged debates offer an opportunity to acquire interdisciplinary skills in a specialised subject.

A scenario/case is derived from a specialised topic. As the basis for a discussion, students must first deal with the technical aspects and master the necessary basics. The case also gives rise to different perspectives that need to be adopted and represented in the discussion. Suitable, technically sound arguments must be found and the opponent's arguments refuted.

The advantage of the discussion is the active engagement with the learning material, which stimulates more intensive cognitive information processing (for further advantages and disadvantages, see here). In order to stage a suitable debate, a topic must be chosen which contains pro and contra arguments. Further information on the practical implementation of this method in your course can be found at here.

Example topic timber construction: There is a problem with a construction. In a dispute, the views of the client and the timber industry representative must be represented.



General conditions

Suitable for all types of courses


The preparation time, length of the discussion, number of roles and representatives of the roles can be varied. This means that the method can be used in a variety of ways and adapted to the circumstances.

It is a varied, activating way of analysing and critically discussing typical issues of later professional life.

Attention should be paid to working on a specialised subject / topic that is as concrete and realistic as possible. This emphasises the relevance of the method and creates a link to other topics and courses.



In order to conduct an argument, a sufficiently detailed problem case/scenario is required. Students must be able to understand the case and develop arguments in a reasonable amount of time.

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Picture of Sebastian


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