At the beginning the rules of the game

Gerhard Meyer, Antje Simon
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For the first course of a new semester, it is advisable to emphasise clear rules, i.e. the "rules of the game" for the entire course for about 14 weeks.

An elementary part of these rules is the clarification of how to deal with each other. Communication, dealing with disruptions (from outside: general conditions, inside: mutual disruption) and, if necessary, dealing with what is said within the courses should be clearly described and, if necessary, measures should be specified in the event of deviations. This provides a framework and creates transparency.

The rules of the game can also include the teacher's expectations of the students and vice versa. Combined with a summary of the topics for the semester of this course, estimates of the time required for each topic help students to plan and weigh up priorities. The rules of the game thus become a form of work agreement.

In addition to the content, the form and structure of the final examination should be discussed at the beginning, especially in the case of examinations that are based on several courses (module examination).

Ideally, the course should be located in the module and, if possible, in the context of the degree programme.



General conditions

Especially in long joint work phases where there is no 1:1 supervision but larger groups of students (such as lectures, seminars, exercises, etc.), it is advisable to establish and communicate rules.

Asking for requests and working on content together has not proved successful for students in the lower semesters. This is more feasible in advanced studies or the Master's programme.

As the semester progresses, the rules can be adapted and made more flexible.


Rules ensure respectful interaction with one another and secure a creative working atmosphere. They clarify the consequences of non-compliance and thus ensure transparency in their application.

If they are discussed and agreed at the beginning, they can fade into the background. However, they should always be available and can be shown if necessary.

Example from civil engineering:

  • Wishes (if enough time is available, these can be worked out in groups)
  • Contents of the lecture (to be worked out together with the lecturer)
  • Expectations of the students

The teacher comments on the students' wishes, for example whether they can be fulfilled, only partially fulfilled or not fulfilled at all. The jointly developed list of content is taken up at appropriate points. At the end of the semester, there is a reflection based on the wishes and content.


The main rules of the game should be available and accessible to students throughout the semester. After an initial presentation, it is therefore advisable to file them in the eLearning course, in a script or similar.


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