Case-based teaching and learning

Gert Bischoff, Antje Simon
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There are always gaps between courses for students, not only thematically but also in terms of the examples chosen. In order to counter this, the selection and construction of a consistent example appears to make sense. This is helpful not only across the boundaries of subjects and courses but also within a course.

By selecting and/or constructing a case, students are provided with a fixed database on the basis of which the questions can be answered. For example, the same case figures are always used for different topics.

Various scenarios can be derived from the case. These scenarios can be used across courses and semesters, but also across disciplines to familiarise students with and apply different methods and procedures.

Example: Process phases such as planning, drafting, costing and supplementary management can be dealt with in a project.



General conditions

Case-based learning can be used as an alternative or supplement to traditional teaching formats. When introduced consistently, it breaks up the structure of lectures, seminars and tutorials.

Case-based learning makes sense from the first semester onwards. A late introduction rather harbours the risk of increased pressure on students to adapt.


Problem- and case-based teaching and learning create the basis for numerous innovative forms of teaching and learning, independent, autonomous study and the acquisition of specialised and interdisciplinary skills.

The preparation of case-based teaching and learning for several courses on one case is considered to be very time-consuming. It is also necessary to coordinate framework conditions such as the location and time sequence of courses.



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