Clarity on the test bench

Wolfgang Borchardt
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Examination requirements are often only announced shortly before the examination, so that students are left floating in a "vacuum" throughout the semester. The short-term announcement requires a re-evaluation of the entire learning material under the premises of the examination and thus increases the pressure on students. Instead, the aim should be to minimise the pressure to perform and in particular the accumulation shortly before and during the examination period and to avoid surprises in the examination requirements.

Students should get a feel for the requirements and procedure of the examination right at the start of the course. A plan helps students to orientate themselves in the course and the examination - especially in view of the large number of parallel courses that students have to attend.

The objectives of the course should be explained to students at an early stage. These are then documented and made permanently accessible. For example, they can be available for download on the learning platform / intranet.

It is also advisable to announce the standards for the assessment of examinations at the beginning of the course. In the course of the semester, these standards could be used as examples to give students a feeling for the resulting requirements in terms of the scope and depth of the subject matter.



General conditions

Useful in all types of courses and modules.




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