Dealing with disruptions

Volker Spork
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There can be many reasons for disruptions in courses. Not all of them can be influenced by the teacher. General conditions such as room and time of a course cannot be changed ad hoc. However, identifying such causes is a decisive step. It is therefore advisable to critically reflect on the course throughout the semester.


  • Disruptions can be countered by changing media, for example.
  • The extent to which the subject matter of the course can be reduced and/or structured more clearly can be examined, for example if there is very little time available
  • In challenging constellations of the group of students, other forms of communication (addressing, thematisation) can be useful



General conditions

Conceivable and useful in all teaching contexts.


Examples include switching between a lecture with PowerPoint slides and work on the blackboard during a lecture, switching from a lecture to a short joint discussion / small group work, showing short film clips, animations or simulations.

Changing the media every 20 minutes or so can bend the concentration curve upwards. In the event of malfunctions, a media change can be used to intervene.



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