Extract and common thread for exam preparation

Ilke Marschall
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In courses where presentations / PowerPoint slides are used, students often have to deal with a large total number of slides at the end of the semester. Especially in courses that mature and are further developed over years, slide sets with hundreds of slides are created for the semester.

During exam preparation, this leads to uncertainty among students regarding the meaning of individual subject areas and content. They lose the overview and an understanding of the connections between the content.

A good option is to derive an extract from all the slides of the semester. This extract is handed out in good time before the exam and used as the basis for a revision in one of the last courses. The extract can be used to repeat content, clarify questions and show connections. If necessary, the extract can be used to set a focus and select exam-relevant topics, which is very popular with students.



General conditions

While a slide extract can only be presented at the end of a course, an accompanying text or handbook can be used during the course.

The slide extract should be made available before the revision and can then be discussed in one of the last lectures.


Experience shows that such an extract makes it easier for students to recognise a common thread. It strengthens and maintains the ability to reflect during the examination.



Extract of the essential slides from all slide sets of the semester. Alternatively, another form (accompanying text, handbook) can be used.

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