From the case to the thesis

Henning von Brandis
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Study programmes such as Business Analysis usually confront students with case studies in the exercises, which can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. Open, virtually unsolved cases can lead to topics for Bachelor's or Master's theses.

Based on the content of the lecture, case studies of increasing complexity are discussed in exercises on business analysis and similar subjects. In some cases, complex cases are analysed and systematically worked on by teachers and students for more than six hours until one or more possible solutions / approaches are available. While simple cases have to be constructed by lecturers or abstracted from the real world at the beginning of the course in order to reduce the complexity to a comprehensible level, complex cases can originate from current procedures and scenarios and be introduced into the course after preparation.

In some cases, there are scenarios in which there is currently no solution or no adequate methodology for the solution. Such scenarios are also presented and discussed by lecturers. Finally, they can serve as a starting point for jointly finding a topic for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis.



General conditions

Case-based learning typically takes place in small to medium-sized groups in seminars or tutorials. Case studies can also be used to a lesser extent in lectures.

In the approach presented here, there is a transition for individual students to a final thesis and thus an examination.


The idea presented here of thematising open cases for final theses does not require the systematic sequence from simple to complex cases, as shown. However, there are advantages to it as shown below. (Note: Two methodological approaches are presented here in close connection)

The approach from simple to complex to open cases helps students to master the growing complexity of the theoretical knowledge from the lecture and to master the transfer to practical application. They are also shown perspectives for possible topics for a final thesis in the subject area.

The presentation of current and partly open / unsolved cases shows students the limitations of certain methodological approaches or calculation procedures. This gives them a feeling for open questions in the respective discipline.



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