Getting to the bottom of the study

Hans Werdich
Last update
Subject group(s)
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Case studies are not only suitable as a basis for calculating economic issues. Students can also learn to critically evaluate the underlying data and the way in which it is collected and analysed.

When working on case studies in small groups of two to three students, it is not only the answering of the respective question through a calculation that is of interest. Students should familiarise themselves with and investigate the origin of the data material through their own research. Students put themselves in a position to be able to understand the data collection. From this, they can draw conclusions about quality and significance, influences of parameters, data collection methods, etc. The effects on their own calculations and their results become clear to the students.

The results to be presented after two weeks include considerations on the origin and collection of the case study data. They are part of the presentation in Excel or PowerPoint.



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Suitable for all types of courses




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