Localisation in space - sociogram, line-up, 4-corner method

Tilo Fiegler
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This method, known as a "sociogram" or "line-up", is an agile way of getting to know each other.

According to certain questions, students position themselves on imaginary or sketched axes in the room. One axis can be used for a one-dimensional categorisation (line-up).

Examples of this are

  • How well do you know the subject area XY?
  • How important do you consider the topic XY?

The participants (students and teachers) are dependent on each other when it comes to localisation. They have to coordinate in order to choose positions. After localisation, everyone is given the opportunity to explain their position, and possibly also the position of other participants.

Localisation is also possible in a two-dimensional coordinate system (sociogram) but also on imaginary maps, city maps or in space (e.g. 4-corner method).

Video: 4-corner method, source: Bern University of Applied Sciences



General conditions

Can be used in all types of courses.
Maximum of 20 participants recommended.


The movement in the room and the more casual conversations make it easier to get to know each other.
The often stiff and cool atmosphere in the first few minutes can be significantly loosened up. The movement also activates the participants.



If the axes / poles are to be visualised, masking tape can be used. Labelling the poles can be deliberately avoided in order to provide additional entertainment.

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