May I introduce... - Getting to know each other exercises

Tilo Fiegler
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Courses are places for intensive encounters and discussions. If an open and creative discourse is to be facilitated and promoted, a good knowledge of the other participants is required: the teacher and the students (see also Teaching concept "Call by name").

Short rounds of introductions provide an easy and personal introduction. It is interesting to introduce the students (and the teacher) to each other.

First, the neighbour is questioned in interviews lasting around 10 minutes. Example questions are

  • Who are you?
  • Where will you be in ten years?
  • Why did you choose this degree programme?

After getting to know each other, the interview partner can be introduced in the introduction round.

You can find even more familiarisation methods summarised in the following PDF.



General conditions

Can be used in all types of courses.



Guiding questions for the interview are recommended


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