Participate in development projects

Emanuel Selz
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If students can relate to an application or project, this often increases their interest and motivation. If they can then also be part of a research project and familiarise themselves with and use innovative technologies, there are interesting opportunities for designing a course.

Students take part in a company's research/development project and are used as test subjects. In doing so, they familiarise themselves with the technology for route recording and can contribute to its further development. In order to be able to test the practical application, they first familiarise themselves with the theoretical basics of the topic / subject or have to apply previously acquired knowledge to the context. Building on this, they carry out tests and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages together with teachers and/or experts from the company.



General conditions

Typical teaching formats are project-orientated studies. The method is conceivable in exercises, practicals and possibly also in seminars.


Participation in practical projects is often appealing to students. The involvement and the importance of the project's success often motivate students in an impressive way.
The problem-based approach enables students to engage in an effective learning process and often acquire essential interdisciplinary competences in addition to the relevant specialist knowledge for their profession.

Nevertheless, the following should be taken into account: Teachers are faced with the challenge of abstracting and simplifying projects from research and practice for the course. This often involves teaching content that goes beyond the project itself.

Projects with direct practical relevance cannot always be adapted to the level and requirements of the courses. They often follow their own project-specific rhythm, which does not always fit in with the course rhythm / semester rhythm. This can lead to unfavourable dependencies between the project and the course.



Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

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Picture of Sebastian


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