Planners as stakeholders - change of perspective

Stefan Andres
Last update
Subject group(s)
Target group(s)
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The method of changing perspective helps students to visualise their future tasks (e.g. as planners). In this case, however, it is not only carried out mentally but is transformed into a realistic simulation using aids, making it particularly impressive.

Students are put in the position of a person with a physical disability or perceptual deficits and are then asked to carry out a typical inspection of the space/object to be planned, e.g. as a severely visually impaired person. The aim is to sensitise them to the special needs and requirements and to develop an understanding of disabilities.

The aim of the course is to learn planning activities, such as concept development and the design of elements of the overall concept (e.g. paths, stops), taking into account the requirements of specific target groups / user groups. Space is deliberately left for creativity and initially seemingly crazy ideas. Students should learn to consider and weigh up all impairments when developing the concept.



General conditions

The course is part of the Urban and Spatial Planning degree programme.




The simulation was organised in cooperation with the Blindenwerk. Blind simulation goggles could be borrowed from this organisation.

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