Poster Session

Horst Schumacher
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Format | Mode


An important skill of scientific work is the concise presentation of results. Scientific conferences have typical formats such as the abstract, the paper or the poster. So what better way to practise than to have a course culminate in a poster session?

Students who have worked on a practical project as part of the course are given the task of documenting their project and the main results on a poster at the end of the course. In this process, they are required to look back on the six-month activity, reflect on their work and identify the key practical and scientific findings. The format of the poster and its requirements for clarity, readability and appealing design set tight limits. Students are faced with the challenge of presenting the information in a concise and meaningful way. A decision must be made as to whether text, images or graphics are the best form of presentation.

The posters of all projects will be exhibited and presented at the end of the course. The poster, presentation and, if applicable, written documentation can be recognised as examination performance.



General conditions

Posters can be the result of various course formats. Creating them takes time, so courses that run over a semester are predestined.

For Master's students in particular, creating posters can be a good preparation for further academic work.


Posters are a compact and at the same time permanently prepared result of a project and a course. They can offer subsequent students an insight into the topics and objectives of the course. They enable colleagues to find points of contact and ideas for exchange.

Students perceive a poster session as an appreciation of their work.

For the assessment of posters in the sense of an examination performance, assessment criteria must be announced in good time and in a comprehensible manner.



Students should be provided with suitable software for designing the posters. Funding for multicolour printing on DIN A1 or DIN A0 should be secured.
Suitable premises are required for the poster session.

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