Lecture with own evaluation

Michaela Rißmann
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Format | Mode


The need for students to practise and learn both free presentation and discussion and critical reflection on such performances gave rise to the idea of developing assessment schemes for presentations by students.

Within the course, lectures are given individually or in groups. An important component and conclusion of the lectures are discussion impulses, which are to be provided by the lecturers. Following the lecture and discussion, students move on to assessment using a specially developed assessment scheme, reflecting on the lecturers' performance and subsequently on the quality of the scheme and its criteria. This creates a critical attitude towards assessments and their standards.

The basis for the assessment schemes developed by the students are short text extracts compiled by the teacher for the development of assessments. The students will find answers to questions on how to determine competence orientation and how to assess in constructivist didactics. It is deliberately demanded that criteria can be established "from the gut".

If you want to design the method digitally via moodle, you will find here a suggestion.



General conditions

The method is suitable for small and medium-sized groups in the context of seminars or seminar-style courses.


The development of evaluation schemes not only leads to the desired critical discussion of the evaluation criteria and their continuous further development. Experience has shown that it also helps to improve the quality of presentations.

It is recommended that the teacher openly admits at the beginning that they need support with the assessment. This makes the students aware of their role and importance in the assessment process.



Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

Your assessment will first be checked by us and then approved.

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