Programming on specialised cases

Cordula Boden
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In order to familiarise students with the principles of programming, they should be given the opportunity to implement examples themselves. In this concept, this idea is consistently pursued right up to the examination.

The task of creating an interactive website is based on a subject-related case (example: warehouse management, container harbour and other logistics topics). The topics and a basic structure of the procedure for working on them are provided at the beginning of the semester.

Numerous subtasks have to be completed and knowledge of various interwoven programming and markup languages (e.g. PHP, CSS, HTML) has to be acquired in order to implement them functionally.

The programming result itself is not assessed. It is a prerequisite and serves as a starting point for an oral examination. In the examination, the solution and type of programming in particular are discussed.



General conditions

Exercise at computer workstations, parts can also be worked on in self-study at the computer workstation or the home computer.


The students' feedback on this concept is positive: it gives them an insight into a new world and a new way of thinking.

Students can test and expand their knowledge on their own object, on their own programming. They often only learn how to deal with errors and how to react appropriately to them by trying them out in practice, rather than through the instructions in the lectures.

Supervision, in particular checking the source texts, is considered to be very time-consuming, but can be adequately ensured by tutors. However, the high level of learning success justifies this effort.

This course is offered as an elective for Bachelor's students and as a compulsory course for Master's students. Master's students are set tasks of greater complexity.



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