Interim score at half-time

Tilo Fiegler
Last update
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Format | Mode


During the course of a lecture, students' reactions and posture can be used to draw conclusions about their understanding and concentration. Reactions should be addressed openly. A question about understanding or lost connections helps all students to reflect briefly and motivates them to comment if necessary.

The offer of feedback should be as low-threshold as possible. This can be achieved, for example, by using a humorous formulation: "Your question will relieve twenty others in the room".

If necessary, the teacher can offer a follow-up by providing additional information or another form of preparation.



General conditions

Can be used in all types of courses




Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

Your assessment will first be checked by us and then approved.

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Picture of Sebastian


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