So speak, speak!

Michaela Rißmann
Last update
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Getting students to speak is not always easy. A modified poetry slam is a good way to create a relaxed and open atmosphere in which students can express their opinions and discuss with each other.

The name "Pädagogik-Blitz-Slam" refers to a method in which students prepare and present a course-related topic within the course. About 2 to 5 minutes are given for preparation. The students / some of the students then present their results in a short presentation.

The method creates a relaxed introduction and can also be used as an activation in between. The task of presenting or speaking freely often results in an easier transition to a joint discussion.



General conditions

The method is suitable for small and medium-sized groups in the context of seminars or seminar-style courses.


The method has already been used several times. Experience has shown that the quality of the content of the presentations is limited, but the aim of activating people and breaking down barriers to free speech and discussion is achieved.



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Jan Monday

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