Examination - For freedom and a good atmosphere!

Ilke Marschall
Last update
Subject group(s)
Target group(s)
Format | Mode


Examination situations, especially oral examinations, often put students under pressure. Students can also have the feeling that examiners are being somewhat arbitrary when examiners formulate their questions with their subjective and individual view of the examination topic.

These problems can be solved in two ways. Firstly, the examiners are provided with question catalogues in advance. A catalogue of questions is assigned to a subject area. The examiners can select questions from this catalogue before and/or during the examination.

Secondly, students are allowed to choose from five subject areas before the start of the examination. This gives them the opportunity to personally weigh up and choose according to their own strengths.



General conditions

To prepare and conduct oral examinations


It is estimated that both measures contribute to a better atmosphere in the audit.
There is less suspicion of arbitrariness, and the content and organisation of examinations will become more transparent.



Thematically structured question catalogues required

Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

Your assessment will first be checked by us and then approved.

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Jan Monday

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