The learning exhibition as a theme memory

Antje Simon
Last update
Subject group(s)
Target group(s)
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In order to do justice to the students' ideas and wishes, they can simply be asked about them in one of the first courses. This often leads - especially in the first semesters - to results with little content, if not a great deal of silence. A variation of the learning mission can help here.

In the style of a vernissage, posters are displayed in the room for viewing and evaluation. These may already be labelled with topics from the course, while other posters are still empty. During the learning exhibition, students move from poster to poster and can comment on what is on display, add to it or substantiate it with examples. Empty posters can be labelled with completely new topics and supplemented with examples.

The results of the learning journey are used to create a repository of topics that teachers can discuss, structure and, if necessary, filter with their students. Students see their wishes taken into account and integrated.



General conditions

Depending on the room, the method is suitable for medium to large groups in lectures and seminars, as well as block events (workshops, training sessions).


Changing between posters promotes a relaxed and creative atmosphere, especially at the beginning of courses (new subjects). Students feel involved in the development of the subject matter and their opinions are valued. The subject matter itself becomes significant for the duration of the learning event and is brought into an intensive discourse that is deepened in the subsequent discussion.

The vernissage can be varied in such a way that students approach the posters with questions and answer the questions based on the information on the posters (original form of the vernissage).



A suitable room with space to hang up several posters is required for the event. Flipchart paper is sufficient for the posters.
Students' additions and comments can be written directly on the posters or on moderation cards and fixed with adhesive tape.

Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

Your assessment will first be checked by us and then approved.

Contact person for the teaching concept

Picture of Jan Montag

Jan Monday

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Selection of topics