A lecture to practise

Antje Simon
Last update
Subject group(s)
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Format | Mode


In engineering degree programmes, there are few opportunities for students to practise giving free presentations or having free discussions. All the more reason to give them the opportunity to do so.

For the sake of practice, comparatively simple topics with limited content are sufficient. Students are given the opportunity to prepare and give a presentation for one of the following courses. Following the presentation, the audience will evaluate the presentation.



General conditions

Suitable for all types of courses


The opportunity to give presentations and practise is appreciated by the students. The form of mutual assessment is also rated positively by the students.

The involvement of students through lectures enables active participation and helps to organise courses in a varied way.



Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

Your assessment will first be checked by us and then approved.

Contact person for the teaching concept

Picture of Jan Montag

Jan Monday

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Selection of topics