The gallery walk combines learning with kinaesthetic perception, as students are set in motion. At various stations in the room, they are confronted with questions that they can approach in small groups. They develop concepts and document and discuss them. The gallery walk is an excellent method for activating and approaching a topic. It makes it possible to adopt different perspectives (in terms of content and space) and thus enables intensive learning. The method can be used and organised flexibly. It is suitable for short phases of 15 minutes up to whole-week seminars or block events lasting several hours. Procedure of the method:
- Development of the questions
- Write down questions clearly on flipchart paper
- Room layout by grouping tables and distributing the flipcharts near the tables
- Introduction of students
- Grouping and, if required, support with the allocation of roles (timer, moderation, secretary, presentation)
- First run and change
- Intermediate feedback from the teacher
- Run through all stations to the output station
- Presentations
- Reflection