What is the question here?

Volker Spork
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In order to come a little closer to the claim of practical studies and professional qualification, topics for final theses can be obtained from companies, engineering offices, authorities or other organisations.

It is important to clearly identify the research question or to underpin the topic with one in order to ensure scientific rigour in addition to practical relevance. To this end, the requirements of the practice partners and the supervising lecturers should be clarified in advance and the (scientific) assessment standards for a final thesis should be transparent for all those involved.

Before the thesis is submitted, a preliminary examination and feedback is provided by the supervising lecturer. This provides students with well-founded feedback and the opportunity to improve their work in accordance with the assessment standards and rules of good academic work.



General conditions

Suitable for students in the Bachelor's or Master's thesis phase.


It has proven to be ideal when students can / should have an influence on the design of the topic. Students often come from the internship at the practice partner and have their own questions that they want to see answered as part of the final thesis.

It is also advisable for students to be able to work on site at the practice partner for their final thesis. However, this requires good support from the supervising lecturers and an individual approach to questions and needs.

The success of the concept presented here has already been demonstrated by two first prizes for final theses.



Your suggestion or question

We hope that the teaching/learning concepts will be critically examined, utilised and further developed and thus remain alive. Therefore, please use the comment function to give your assessment of the teaching/learning concept. Share your experiences in the implementation or refer to similar didactic methods (please include references or links). 

Your assessment will first be checked by us and then approved.

Contact person for the teaching concept

Picture of Jan Montag

Jan Monday

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Selection of topics